Well...finally starting to try my hand at something other then racing photos, though she is wearing race leathers. Photos were impromptu, she was just trying on outfits so PLEASE just give me insight or comments on the photo and not the background or personal opinion on Jane (I posted these on a different racing chat board and had to spend the night whacking people due to comments about her)

I like them both, but I prefer the first one.
It is a little bit on the soft side, but I like the pose and the contrast of soft looking hair to the race leather jacket.
I would try a tighter crop on this one, crop off a bit of the bottom.
The second one has good exposure and colours. I like it, but the angle or the pose is a little ankward.
Thanks for posting!
I like the "idea" of each shot, but I don't think either are very flattering to the model. Things like all those rings or bad placement of hair are distracting. What're you gonna do, though, when it's spur of the moment. Given that, they are nice snaps, but you really ought to take her to a second session and take your time, more attention to detail. There's great promise I'm supposin. I think these shots could work out well. I like the contrast between the jacket and her skin....leather and lace.