Benicia-Martinez Bridge, California

I got to go on a tour of the Bencia Bridge with ASCE yesterday. It was a morning tour with some great clear light. It's raining today. Good timing. We boated out of the middle of the span. Climbed the up through the column and walked through the span back to shore while popping up to the top of the span at the end. I did little post processing...mainly some sharpening or tweaking the horizon since I shot some of these on the rocky boat. I'm pretty proud of myself for getting a good expsure on most of these as I was trying to keep up with the group and take my time getting good composition and exposure.
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Old Bridge and Rail Crossing. The new bridge will serve northbound and the old one will serve the southbound

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Old Bridge and Rail Crossing. The new bridge will serve northbound and the old one will serve the southbound