Thanks everyone, I was worried that I'd got a little carried away with the HSL sliders, there seems to be quite a fine line between enhancement and over doing it, I felt I'd stopped short of making the image look overly fake but needed additional opinion.
I also get carried away often with this. I play around, really like an image, and the next day I go "what was I thinking?!?!" Then I turn down all the enhancements to 50% and usually I'm pleased with that.
As for your image: It is perfect, I wouldn't change anything. I really like it, it is great!
Thanks Richard and Andreas for your kind comments, it's typical that I took this image outside of the qualifying dates for the silhouette photo challenge.
PBase Gallery
As for your image: It is perfect, I wouldn't change anything. I really like it, it is great!
The colors look just fine to me. I also like the composition. Nice work.