Black and White Prints

I am wondering about the quality of EZ Prints black and white prints and would appreciate hearing if people are happy with the results. Any suggestions would be appreciated also. I have read the tutorials about converting to B&W already. I am currently using the channel mixer to convert and then adjust levels or curves. I have tried lots and lots of differnt places and am considering a custom lab for B&Ws, but I'd rather use EZ Prints if the quality is good. Thanks, Kate
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So, Andy, any thoughts on how these would fare with EZPrints - and is there any advantage to using TRUE or AUTO-COLOR when printing B&W?
My mostly-B&W gallery
True color, please.
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Okiedokie. Thanks!
I was wondering if you could check my BW and color and tell me if you think I should do true or auto.
Gallery -
Actually, Andy or other hero
If you have a sec to look at the photos in my order #773391, there are some that have bright sun coming in from the background, and I always wonder whether those will trick the Auto mode, and should I use True? Thanks for any info!
Should be good
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Andy -
I'll revive this old thread since it pertains to a black and white print.
I have someone who wants to buy a large blowup of a picture, and
would like it in black and white. Questions are:
1) I assume the best way to do this is to use Elements or Lightroom and convert it to black and white before sending to you?
2) They want a very large print - on the order of 4 feet wide by 3 feet tall. I am starting with a 10 mb raw file, which when cropped and sent to smugmug becomes about a 4.6 mb jpeg file. Will this convert to a usable print? It is going in a bedroom, and I assume I will need to warn them that they will lose the detail they are used to in smaller prints.
3) I don't see a size that large on smugmug - assuming they are set on this size, which I am not sure of yet, can either of your labs do it?
Oh and Mb is not so important - megapixels - file dimensions, that's important. Let's see the pic
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Thanks! I see from how to determine if I have enough pixels. In this case, I am a bit short as currently cropped for a 36 x 36. They may be ok with 30 x 40, and I may be able to crop it differently.
Picture is at:
What is the printing process for B&W on smugmug? Is this issue relevant?
I don't think it's relevant. I'm confident the prints come off the same machine as the color, so the cold-tone or warm-tone of the print depends on the file you send. The few I've done have been very good, considering how they're done.
If you are talking about canvas or enhanced matte paper we print on an Epson 11880 with advanced black and white mode balanced. We also use Onyx Production House as our RIP and linearize the printer prior to creating a profle which is also post linearized for optimum black and white.
David Egolf
1890 Beaver Ridge Circle
Norcross, GA 30071
W : 678-405-5500 ext 5620
C : 678-790-4553