FT: Tokina 12-24 Nikon Mount to trade
I have Tokina 12-24 Nikon Mount that I want to trade for an equivalent level 90 mm macro such as 90mm Tamron Macro Di lens for Digital Nikon. The Tokina is in mint condition; I've taken about 15 shots with it since I got it in July. The lens just doesn't seem to fit my shooting styles and I have an urgent need for a good macro for some product work I am doing.
If you will to buy a Tamron and have it shipped to me, I will send you the Tokina 12-24. The Tamron's are available for about 375 + shipping. (about $125 less than the Tokina).
Altho I don't post much here, I am a habituee on other well-known sites and would be happy to provide references, use an intermediary or any process you wish to insure we both get our lenses happily. I am trying to avoid several sets of eBay and Paypal fees. If you are in DC area, I would be happy to meet face to face and switch lenses.
If you will to buy a Tamron and have it shipped to me, I will send you the Tokina 12-24. The Tamron's are available for about 375 + shipping. (about $125 less than the Tokina).
Altho I don't post much here, I am a habituee on other well-known sites and would be happy to provide references, use an intermediary or any process you wish to insure we both get our lenses happily. I am trying to avoid several sets of eBay and Paypal fees. If you are in DC area, I would be happy to meet face to face and switch lenses.
New pictures at LewLortonphoto.com
please check your email, i am located in DC area... thanks
You have your account set to not receive emails.
Can't meet tomorrow - out of town.
Would prefer you buy the 90 mm macro 90mm Tamron Macro Di lens for Digital Nikon and we can swap lenses. Since that is available for 375 + shipping you will be coming out ahead.