A hike, a slippery ledge, 2 bruised ribs... getting the shot.... priceless.

After work I decided to go for a hike to Roaring Brook Falls. Followed the trail to the top where hikers rest to watch the falls. Very pretty, but not picture perfect. As I looked over the 80 foot ledge I saw the perfect spot to take the photo. I saw a hiker and asked how to get down there. He told me the only way he knew was to go back to the beginning and follow the brook but didn't recommend it with the leaves and wet moss. Said it was a bad idea. I decided I had to try but didn't want to walk all the way back. About half way I saw a ledge I felt I could climb down. It was about 25 feet up and too steep but I wasn't thinking. As I started down I lost my footing and began to fall. All that I saw to stop me from going over the edge onto shallow water and tons of rocks was a tree. It seemed to happen in slow motion as I stretched out my arms and hit the tree full force. I watched my tripod fly through the air and thanked goodness I fastenend my backpack. Once my heart slowed a bit I slid on my belly the rest of the way down grabbing roots and rocks till I got to the bottom. My ribs hurt and my tripod was a bit scrathed but once I saw the falls from that view it was all worth it. Here are the pics. I hope you like. I think the 2nd lacks a little snap but other than that what do you think?

Michael - Life's Disciple
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Gandhi
Nobody's commenting, so I thought I would....been there, done that. (falling down into gorges in hopes of a nice shot, or a nice fish (I like to find trout in those streams!) You didn't say how you got back UP to the trail.
Anyway, the photos are nice...but maybe they need a bit more of a focal point, to put the falls in perspective.
Glad you're none the worse for wear!
I'm glad the only damage was to the tripod.