Calendars recommendations?
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but it seems as appropriate as any - I'm planning to make up some calendars for family for the holidays and would love some suggestions for sites to use. I know there are a plethora of sites out there and I would appreciate any input that you folks might have from experience on quality, customizability and price.
thanks much...
~ gk
thanks much...
~ gk
Some of the other folks around here use too. You may or may not have figured out that Andy, who started the thread I linked to, is the house pro and presumably sells some of the calendars. I just give them to my relatives.
I found the calendars that come out of ofoto (now a much higher quality paper and printing. If you're only going to get a few, I'd go with those.
~ g
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What about price point?
Shutterfly had a special last month where their calendars were in the same general price range as lulu. But their regular price is close to $20 each, unless you make a really large order. I am testing lulu right now and hoping for good print quality.
And I am only asking about iPhoto because I am thinking I may join the mac side......
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The price point on iPhoto's calendars is pretty much the same as shutterfly. You can see it here. But like I said, better quality IMO than Lulu.
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