Will older 35mm lenses fit my XTi?

Okay, so this is a completely DSLR noob quesiton...Done the searches, but haven't found it yet. (I'm sure somebody will link one for me. :wink )
Will older lenses from Canon's 35mm SLR's fit my new (but as yet undelivered) XTi?
I see these lenses all over the place (pawn shops, E-Bay, etc.) and figure that if they'll work, even if not new and slightly dented, they would be a great start to SLR photography for the price.
If they can be used, but with adaptors, where can I find which adaptor is needed?
Thanks, guys!
(edit) Is there a list of what lenses fit which bodies on line that I can access for reference?
(edit again) Can used lenses be (economically) disassembled to remove dust that's inside? Some I see listed say there is dust inside. Should this be a reason to stay away from buying?
Will older lenses from Canon's 35mm SLR's fit my new (but as yet undelivered) XTi?
I see these lenses all over the place (pawn shops, E-Bay, etc.) and figure that if they'll work, even if not new and slightly dented, they would be a great start to SLR photography for the price.
If they can be used, but with adaptors, where can I find which adaptor is needed?
Thanks, guys!
(edit) Is there a list of what lenses fit which bodies on line that I can access for reference?
(edit again) Can used lenses be (economically) disassembled to remove dust that's inside? Some I see listed say there is dust inside. Should this be a reason to stay away from buying?
For the last question, about dust inside a lens, it entirely depends:
How much dust is actually inside.
Whether there is also mildew or mold.
If the coatings are intact.
Generally, a small amount of dust on internal elements of older lenses is pretty normal. The problem is, unless you inspect the lens yourself, and know how to inspect it and what to look for, you cannot properly assess the impact of the ravages of time on a lens and how it impacts image quality based on sellers comments.
If you are paying a lot for a used lens, either buy from a reputable dealer with a decent grading system, or make sure you have return priviledges.
If the lens doesn't cost that much, I often just take the chance or use my "buyer's instinct" as a guide.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Again, thanks!
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