Critiques and Comments please on #78

Would like Critiques and comments on this as a possible challenge 78 entry.....Many thanks in advance.

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Thanks...I will see how it looks cropped a bit more....or I may just have to cross the construction fence and get a weee bit closer.....210mm wasn't close enuff for my taste and i do not have a TC yet.
Good idea w/ the bump. I didn't even see this.
I'd try to get closer on the shot and show the detail of the strings.
Very cool capture!
Thanks...I do believe i will re shoot this weekend I will have cross a construction fence and a little bit of river (about 3 feet of river and rocks to get around fence...been awhile since I crossed a barrier to get photo) to get closer....
i agree if you go closer we can see some more detail but still its like it is bagging from above . Is it ? what is it ?
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will wait to see the next version.....make it BIG Art. That's a cool sillouette.
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Awais it is a Statue of an American Indian titled "KEEPER of the PLAINS" by deceased Artist Black Bear Bosin.....It sits on the confluence of the Little and Big Arkansas Rivers....This is sacred ground to the Indains and Protects downtown Wichita from tornados...The confluence of the rivers protects the city not the Statue.
Thanks for asking....everything is steel including the strings.
Thanks......Gonna get as close as I can without being notice by our cities finest......
Does it work for this challenge---#78
clik pic for exif......
Thanks for all of the PRECEEDING and FORTHCOMING C&C....Yes the sky really was this started changing quickly and even got darker and ominous but I had changed positions to try and actually get the setting sun behind do that I need to be inside of a brick walled area with high tension transformers and wasn't sure I wanted to do that
one thing: looks a little off though... I want to reach out and straighten the picture... but that's just me
good job.
Hmmmmm...the buble in my ball head must have gone awry........
Wow, I really like the improvement on this shot - the composition is striking and so is the sky.
Thank you Quitarita....I appreciate it....
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