The very very beginings of REST (examples)

My apoligizies but I'm in need of some basic understanding of REST and API calls to Smugmug. I'm fairly computer literate but I need some understanding from the very start of how REST work. Where does the code go? How does one run the code? I've have a history in legacy mainframes so I got a ways to go. If I could be directed to full examples that don't make any assumption about previous knownledge that would help.
REST with Smummug 101.
REST with Smummug 101.
This may seem very simplistic, but it works for me. REST is like a client/server thing via the web. You (the client) make a request via an HTTP URL. There's a special URL you call, where the function you're calling is identified and the arguments are passed as strings. Smugmug (the server) then responds to your request in the form of an XML document. You are responsible for parsing that XML document and retrieving the data you need.
Does that make sense? Once you have an API key, you can experiment for yourself. Just construct the URL for something like smugmug.login.anonymously, plug it into your browser address bar, and then you'll see the XML that is returned.
Hope this helps a bit.
Swim for Them | | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
Thanks Greg,
I have a feeling I'm just missing something fairly basic to get going.... so let's start.. if I do the 'anonymously' it just pops me to another page. An API key was never required, nor is there a place for it on the url of :"
Same with " "
I'm a supposed to be logged in after executing that URL? I think I understand your explanation of calling for services and that when the return to me I'll need to work with that output...but I can't see how my current calls do anything other any pull up a standard page from a web site.
Can you explain some more? Thanks!
There is a REST sample here.
This is more of the type of syntax u need to use...
obviously, that's missing required parameters, find all the syntax here.
I recommend using version 1.1.1 for the moment.
Let me know if you have any questions.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
from the examples and documentation I'm having trouble telling a keyword from info place holder.
lets start with ?method=smugmug.login.withPassword
My first thought was that 'smugmug.login' should be replaced with my smugmug login and followed by password.
but viewing the examples in get.image
maybe it should be like ?method=smugmug.login&
I'm trying different ones and I getting different errors. I suspect my assumptions from the mainframe coding languages are in conflict with some general standards that must be so standard on the internet that there isn't a general need to mention them in the technical doc or in these examples.
A true example would help so much. If someone could do the REST call in true form and just slightly phony up the smugmug login and password that would most likely get me on my way. Or.... if someone could just write the command in full syntax pretending that my smugmug login is and a password of fakepass that would be great.
Thanks so much for your understand of us dinosars.
ok...every parameter after the ? is used in a name/value pair combination like name=value
therefore, smugmug.login.withPassword would look like this...
note: with the EmailAddress parameter, you can use your email address or smugmug name. I find the latter alot easier.
So from your example above... ?method=smugmug.login.withPassword&
Hope this makes some sense.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Ok ... now I'm flying along. Thanks everyone.