uh yeah, but real comments... looks well-enough exposed, but not really much there to judge by usually the tough things with flash are catchlights in the eyes and so on. we have a rug and a little bit of leg.
uh yeah, but real comments... looks well-enough exposed, but not really much there to judge by usually the tough things with flash are catchlights in the eyes and so on. we have a rug and a little bit of leg.
Really it was just for an assinment on another site and the shoes were bloody expensive
There is a catch light in this shot - the sole of the right shoe and it is not over exposed so it's all good.
What is not good is the fragment of the staircase on the most right. It adds absolutely no value to the photo. If this was premeditated shot I would make sure not to include anything but the legs and carpeted part of the stairs.
The skin on the heal should have been covered or smoothed in post processing. The skin of her legs otherwise is your decision. Not everything has to be tanned or in black stockings.
uh yeah, but real comments... looks well-enough exposed, but not really much there to judge by usually the tough things with flash are catchlights in the eyes and so on. we have a rug and a little bit of leg.
moderator of: The Flea Market [ guidelines ]
Really it was just for an assinment on another site and the shoes were bloody expensive
Looks like its composed very well compositionally.
I think you should have told the model to wear stockings or get a tan or give her a tan in PS.
Detroit Wedding Photography Blog
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What is not good is the fragment of the staircase on the most right. It adds absolutely no value to the photo. If this was premeditated shot I would make sure not to include anything but the legs and carpeted part of the stairs.
The skin on the heal should have been covered or smoothed in post processing. The skin of her legs otherwise is your decision. Not everything has to be tanned or in black stockings.
Ted Szukalski - Gallery of Digital Photography
Vote for me on Cool Photoblogs
I have told this you Gary !
The rest of the comment is good. Thank you Ted. :DGood points.