Christmas Padgent in Iraq

Hello all. First of all I want to thank everyone that wrote to see if I was ok. Im sorry I havent posted anything in a while, but i have been pretty busy lately and have a very sketchy internet connection. Lets just say things havent come together well for me to get online the last couple weeks. I appreciate the notes I got though so thank you. I hope everyone had a great christmas and that they were better than mine. Ok let me rephrase that. Everyone here better have had a better christmas than I did. Anyways I just finished creating a new journal entry portraying the only good thing about my christmas besides being able to get ahold of my girlfriend on christmas day. I will let the journal speak for itself. Here is the link to my main journal page. The new entry has the same title as this thread. Enjoy and let me know what you think about the images and the journal itself. You can reply in the journal as wel if you are so inclined.
looks like a good pageant! i'm really glad you posted, and that you're ok. definitely was worried about you, with that lunchtime bombing and all...
happy you're back online
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I know I speak for Andy and the crew here when I say we are all so glad to hear from you again. Your pictures of the Christmas Pageant in Iraq are moving. I loved the picture of the Hans the weight lifter and the Virgin Mary.
If you are able please continue to post your images here on dgrin. I know there are many folks around the world who enjoy seeing them, and the human side of serving in Iraq. Peace be with you Mike.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
You just beat me to it Andy !!
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Do you think this stuff will let up after the elections? Can you answer anything?
I was surprised that Mosul was so far north and still got it........bad. Then I see Tikrit. I watch the news on blackhawks but heck, I would never know anything.
Sorry so many questions, but I have not been writing you notes, and I was worried........quietly.
Only thing is, and I hate to say this, I would like to take pictures there right now. Any chance of an elderly woman catching a flight out of Charleston, SC. We have that air force base. And I am retired navy status through old weary Bill, so it would be free.
Will read your journal. Ignore everything I said, if I shouldn't have.
ginger (getting ahold of your girlfriend must have been a high, no matter how bad the dirty rotten day was..........getting ahold of a loved one anytime is a good thing.)
Keep up the great shots, be safe!
Just 'burned' about an hour reading and viewing your journals - fantastic!
Take care!
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
And as others have said, glad to hear you are well.
Happy New Year!! and thankyou Mike.
from us all xxxxxx
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1