awesome, as for v1.2.1 I'd like to put in a request (if at all possible) for getting and posting customization fields (CSS, Header, Footer, Java, etc..) from API this would work great along with my extension
What method are you calling? Seems to be working for me, but maybe I'm doing something different?
Well, as I've said before, I had been using most methods on the unofficial 1.1.1 php endpoint. So when I saw 1.2.0 was released, I just changed the url to point to 1.2.0 version, and since my password for previous sessions have expired, I am doing smugmug.login.withPassword.
Well, as I've said before, I had been using most methods on the unofficial 1.1.1 php endpoint. So when I saw 1.2.0 was released, I just changed the url to point to 1.2.0 version, and since my password for previous sessions have expired, I am doing smugmug.login.withPassword.
Hmm, I just did "smugmug.login.withPassword" and it worked fine.
Hmm, I just did "smugmug.login.withPassword" and it worked fine.
You're getting an invalid API key error?
Nevermind...After placeing some more debug messages in place, I noticed that it did indeed get a response from the login, but since the data returned has changed since the 1.1.1 (that I was previosly using), I was capturing the sessionID, which was causing the Invalid API key errors (which were actually coming from calls to other methods).
Nevermind...After placeing some more debug messages in place, I noticed that it did indeed get a response from the login, but since the data returned has changed since the 1.1.1 (that I was previosly using), I was capturing the sessionID, which was causing the Invalid API key errors (which were actually coming from calls to other methods).
False alarm...
Cool. Be sure to holler if we're doing something braindead with the new format - but everyone who we've passed it by so far loves it, so I'm hoping you do too.
awesome, as for v1.2.1 I'd like to put in a request (if at all possible) for getting and posting customization fields (CSS, Header, Footer, Java, etc..) from API this would work great along with my extension
Hey Javier,
May i recommend that you look at using JSON instead of REST, it works like magic in much easier to process, and reduces the response overhead.
Cool. Be sure to holler if we're doing something braindead with the new format - but everyone who we've passed it by so far loves it, so I'm hoping you do too.
I haven't had time to check all the methods, but so far it looks really nice. I did notice one thing. I used to do smugmug.albums.get with Heavy=1 to get all the info for all the albums. It appears to not be returning the album info.
I haven't had time to check all the methods, but so far it looks really nice. I did notice one thing. I used to do smugmug.albums.get with Heavy=1 to get all the info for all the albums. It appears to not be returning the album info.
May i recommend that you look at using JSON instead of REST, it works like magic in much easier to process, and reduces the response overhead.
Holler if you have any questions.
wow, no kidding this is easier, no need to parse .. just call an object
As far as features. I have the following requests for 1.2.1 (if there is a better place for requests, where should I put it?):
1) Access to comments. Read, post, admister (edit/delete). Also, a way to see the last XX comments so comments can quickly be reviewed without going to all the pictures.
2) Keywords.
2a: Search/display by keyword - results being image ID's with keywords listed.
2b: Show related words based on keywords displayed - much like smugmug does now. But, if 2b would take too much time, i'd settle for 2a.
3) Last XX pictures (XX being an argument on the number of images to return). Result would be the last XX pictures uploaded to smugmug or (with an argument) to an album, subcategory, or category.
4) Random XX pictures (XX being an argument on the number of images to return). Result would return random image ID's. Arguments would be to allow private or password protected image IDs to be displayed. Also, just random image from either an album, subcategory, or category.
As far as features. I have the following requests for 1.2.1 (if there is a better place for requests, where should I put it?):
1) Access to comments. Read, post, admister (edit/delete). Also, a way to see the last XX comments so comments can quickly be reviewed without going to all the pictures.
This is going to be tough, especially posting, because comment spam is a big deal. Easy to do logged in, difficult to do for someone who doesn't have an account.
2) Keywords.
2a: Search/display by keyword - results being image ID's with keywords listed.
2b: Show related words based on keywords displayed - much like smugmug does now. But, if 2b would take too much time, i'd settle for 2a.
You can already do 2a using feeds. I'm not inclined to add anything to the API right now that can't be accomplished using feeds, since I'd rather work on API things that you cannot do using them.
3) Last XX pictures (XX being an argument on the number of images to return). Result would be the last XX pictures uploaded to smugmug or (with an argument) to an album, subcategory, or category.
4) Random XX pictures (XX being an argument on the number of images to return). Result would return random image ID's. Arguments would be to allow private or password protected image IDs to be displayed. Also, just random image from either an album, subcategory, or category.
This will be tough. We have customers with over 200,000 images. I can't easily get a random subset of them right now.
This is going to be tough, especially posting, because comment spam is a big deal. Easy to do logged in, difficult to do for someone who doesn't have an account.
I woud certainly pass any comments through akismet before submitting them to smugmug. They have a great api, which I use for filtering out spam submitted on my blog.
REST 1.1.1 response
REST 1.2.0 response
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Creator of: SmugManager
"There's no dark side or the moon, really. Matter of fact it's all dark..."
Can anyone else confirm that it is working correctly with serialized PHP?
What method are you calling? Seems to be working for me, but maybe I'm doing something different?
Well, as I've said before, I had been using most methods on the unofficial 1.1.1 php endpoint. So when I saw 1.2.0 was released, I just changed the url to point to 1.2.0 version, and since my password for previous sessions have expired, I am doing smugmug.login.withPassword.
Hmm, I just did "smugmug.login.withPassword" and it worked fine.
You're getting an invalid API key error?
Nevermind...After placeing some more debug messages in place, I noticed that it did indeed get a response from the login, but since the data returned has changed since the 1.1.1 (that I was previosly using), I was capturing the sessionID, which was causing the Invalid API key errors (which were actually coming from calls to other methods).
False alarm...
Cool. Be sure to holler if we're doing something braindead with the new format - but everyone who we've passed it by so far loves it, so I'm hoping you do too.
Hey Javier,
May i recommend that you look at using JSON instead of REST, it works like magic in much easier to process, and reduces the response overhead.
Holler if you have any questions.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I haven't had time to check all the methods, but so far it looks really nice. I did notice one thing. I used to do smugmug.albums.get with Heavy=1 to get all the info for all the albums. It appears to not be returning the album info.
I'll let you know if I see any other problems.
Thanks Brian.
We're on it
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
wow, no kidding this is easier, no need to parse .. just call an object
Creator of: SmugManager
"There's no dark side or the moon, really. Matter of fact it's all dark..."
yeah....just use an eval statement on the result to turn it into an object, something like this...
var result = eval('(' + xmlhttp.responseText + ')');
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
sweet, that was so easy to implement. I love js object variables.
Creator of: SmugManager
"There's no dark side or the moon, really. Matter of fact it's all dark..."
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
1) Access to comments. Read, post, admister (edit/delete). Also, a way to see the last XX comments so comments can quickly be reviewed without going to all the pictures.
2) Keywords.
2a: Search/display by keyword - results being image ID's with keywords listed.
2b: Show related words based on keywords displayed - much like smugmug does now. But, if 2b would take too much time, i'd settle for 2a.
3) Last XX pictures (XX being an argument on the number of images to return). Result would be the last XX pictures uploaded to smugmug or (with an argument) to an album, subcategory, or category.
4) Random XX pictures (XX being an argument on the number of images to return). Result would return random image ID's. Arguments would be to allow private or password protected image IDs to be displayed. Also, just random image from either an album, subcategory, or category.
5) Search by description of images.
That's all for now.
Thanks smugmug peeps - your the best...est..
This is going to be tough, especially posting, because comment spam is a big deal. Easy to do logged in, difficult to do for someone who doesn't have an account.
You can already do 2a using feeds. I'm not inclined to add anything to the API right now that can't be accomplished using feeds, since I'd rather work on API things that you cannot do using them.
2b's interesting. I'll think about it.
You can do this with feeds already.
This will be tough. We have customers with over 200,000 images. I can't easily get a random subset of them right now.
You can do this with feeds too.