I think B&W is the way to go here. Your B&W looks good but I think it could be better. I think it needs a bit more contrast. I hope you don't mind - I played around with it and came up with this:
I prefer the color version, as the contrast of a living hand on b/w keys gives me a warm/fuzzy. The only change I would make would be to change the red band at the back of the keyboard into b/w, as it detracts from your hand.
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston "The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Judy, I liked your entry last night. I think Andy has a good idea to set it apart from all other hand shots..............movement, but when it is just your hand moving, or your hand at all (I don't play any musical instrument), but it looks as much like blur to me as movement.
I would like to see the movement in the keys, and some non moving part of a hand, or both, or something.
ginger (The moving hand thing just became annoying color, as I saw it. But I think the idea is good. You have time, why not play with the idea. Do pianists ever play more with their fingers, and specific keys, basically holding the hand still. Also, try different shutter speeds. There may have been too much hand movement. Just trying to help.)
I am typing basically with my fingers, I would get carpal tunnel if I used my whole hand much.
Thanks for the comment! Typically, the whole hand is moving (wrist and all). I tried to take this shot by moving my fingers only, but like you said, it came out mostly as a blur. I have people over today and tomorrow, but will try to see what I can get later. (Work starts again next week, so time will be limited again ).
Hi Lynn,
Thank you for your comments. By "final" entry, do you mean the color one with the red felt darkened, or do you mean the slightly blurred with the pink shirt?
Hi Lynn,
Thank you for your comments. By "final" entry, do you mean the color one with the red felt darkened, or do you mean the slightly blurred with the pink shirt?
the one that you have in the "challenge" thread.. no blur with red felt. I agree with ginger tho.. would be nice to see a little movement.
Yes this is my favorite so far too . I will keep working on the movement idea and see what I can get. Thank you for your help!
Hey Jude,
I never got a chance to say anything about your shot. I was so busy with house guests last week. They left Wednesday. It is now Friday and I'm still bushed.:D I do like your piano shot. After looking through the thread, I have to say, I like your final choice. I would have thought some movement on the index finger that is pressing the key down would work. But, I know you actually have to move the whole hand. In the end, the blur did nothing for the shot. Who knew? You tried it for the peanut gallery.We were wrong.
Your final choice is great.
well done judy - and nice idea
for further creativity - set camera on tripod, slowish shutter speed, and capture some movement
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I think B&W is the way to go here. Your B&W looks good but I think it could be better. I think it needs a bit more contrast. I hope you don't mind - I played around with it and came up with this:
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
I tried removing the red felt from the colored version, here is what I got. I think I like the red in better though
I also tried Andy's suggestion of capturing some movement. Any comments?
Try 1
Try 2 - this also has some color on the hand which may balance out the red felt a little
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
I would like to see the movement in the keys, and some non moving part of a hand, or both, or something.
ginger (The moving hand thing just became annoying color, as I saw it. But I think the idea is good. You have time, why not play with the idea. Do pianists ever play more with their fingers, and specific keys, basically holding the hand still. Also, try different shutter speeds. There may have been too much hand movement. Just trying to help.)
I am typing basically with my fingers, I would get carpal tunnel if I used my whole hand much.
Thanks for the comment! Typically, the whole hand is moving (wrist and all). I tried to take this shot by moving my fingers only, but like you said, it came out mostly as a blur. I have people over today and tomorrow, but will try to see what I can get later. (Work starts again next week, so time will be limited again
Thank you for your comments. By "final" entry, do you mean the color one with the red felt darkened, or do you mean the slightly blurred with the pink shirt?
Hey Jude,
I never got a chance to say anything about your shot. I was so busy with house guests last week. They left Wednesday. It is now Friday and I'm still bushed.:D I do like your piano shot. After looking through the thread, I have to say, I like your final choice. I would have thought some movement on the index finger that is pressing the key down would work. But, I know you actually have to move the whole hand. In the end, the blur did nothing for the shot. Who knew? You tried it for the peanut gallery.
Your final choice is great.
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