Last Shot Before It Comes Down. 29 Entry, Thoughts?

Taking The Tree Down Shortly, and had to get one last shot of it on film. Figured this was a good opportunity to try this. What do you think?

Hands free option was done with the use of a tripod and self timer!

Hands free option was done with the use of a tripod and self timer!
oh, and a suggestion for the photo. If the tree isn't down yet, it might be neat if the camera (in the photo) was angled such that you could actually see a bit of light coming through the viewfinder in the shot
Or shoot it again with racing gloves on :>
And only a few camera shots turn me on, with people using them I mean.
I think you have the right idea, but I would execute it differently, and not christmas.
On the driving thing, you could go "fast" down a lonely road, or a curving/or hilly road and create some blur. I think, I know that you can do it in post if you can't do it while driving taking pictures, etc. I would get rid of all the distractions in the driving photo, though.
ginger, just my humble opinion.