Very awesome! Love the reflection and that you caught this person in action. The only thing that strikes me is that it feels too centered or too evenly spaced. Part of me wants to see the trees and the sky to better differentiate the real person from the reflection, imo. But really love the shot.
I really like the reflection on your subject. The silhouette works out really well. I didnt even know you had an entry this time! If anything to improve it, I would increase the contrast just a tad to make the skies a little brighter, but thats just me. Good job Kate! Btw do you have a gallery or anything with samples of your photos?
I need to figure out how to add that to my profile! Also, I'm brand new here and I need to polish the site up, customize it, and get rid of some of my pictures.
Hi Kate,
I just wanted to suggest one thing - the challenges are super competitive these days, and as a judge, I take the time to save the photos and view them in as high-res as possible on my own computer (I use Adobe Bridge). Attached photos have to be super condensed and they lose a lot of quality.
I see that you have a smugmug site - you should be linking, not attaching!
I need to figure out how to add that to my profile! Also, I'm brand new here and I need to polish the site up, customize it, and get rid of some of my pictures.
Thanks for asking!
I just wanted to suggest one thing - the challenges are super competitive these days, and as a judge, I take the time to save the photos and view them in as high-res as possible on my own computer (I use Adobe Bridge). Attached photos have to be super condensed and they lose a lot of quality.
I see that you have a smugmug site - you should be linking, not attaching!
Click here if you need some help doing that.