Clients and Deaths

Evening everyone,
I wasnt sure which to post this in, Mods feel free to move it.
In less than a year I have had 2 clients passaway, both were very young, back in May a 19 yr old, this last week an almost 6yr old( Car wreck). I just got the call for photos of her yesterday, I met with her cheerleader coachs (Mother still in hospital, may or may not make it to the funeral) and let them view all of her photos, they decided on the final photos, I edited them and printed them out (also provided every photo of her on a cd)and then met again with them Sat night, family or funeral home needed them early Sun morning to work on some type of collage poster board and slide show for the viewing Sunday night. Funeral is Monday. Its momments like this I don't even consider charging. Right or wrong as a buisiness I still won't charge, In my opinion there are enough people already profiting from this tradgedy and rightly so, but for my little bit I just cant justify or live with it. How do you handle this?
Also, the little league football program she cheered for is having their banquet in a week and have asked me to provide a large collage to honor her ( I have asked the league to give the collage to her family afterwards). Now I can make a simple collage but I feel like it needs to be better than just a simple collage BUT I dont feel my PS skills are good enough.
Any ideas? Suggestions? Offers to help?
I'll stop rambling/venting now.
I wasnt sure which to post this in, Mods feel free to move it.
In less than a year I have had 2 clients passaway, both were very young, back in May a 19 yr old, this last week an almost 6yr old( Car wreck). I just got the call for photos of her yesterday, I met with her cheerleader coachs (Mother still in hospital, may or may not make it to the funeral) and let them view all of her photos, they decided on the final photos, I edited them and printed them out (also provided every photo of her on a cd)and then met again with them Sat night, family or funeral home needed them early Sun morning to work on some type of collage poster board and slide show for the viewing Sunday night. Funeral is Monday. Its momments like this I don't even consider charging. Right or wrong as a buisiness I still won't charge, In my opinion there are enough people already profiting from this tradgedy and rightly so, but for my little bit I just cant justify or live with it. How do you handle this?
Also, the little league football program she cheered for is having their banquet in a week and have asked me to provide a large collage to honor her ( I have asked the league to give the collage to her family afterwards). Now I can make a simple collage but I feel like it needs to be better than just a simple collage BUT I dont feel my PS skills are good enough.
Any ideas? Suggestions? Offers to help?
I'll stop rambling/venting now.
Brad Fite
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
I completely understand, and, in my business (not photo related), I too have donated my services or have not charged customers under similar circumstances.
If you can link a gallery of pictures, I bet all the great talented DGrinners can come up with something special.
If you need different maybe embellishments or anything, depending on how you decide to do the collage, there are many many many digital scrapbooking sites on the net where you can find free downloads. Since you would be giving this as a gift and not profitting from it, I don't think there would be any problems using the free downloads. Just a thought I would pass along.
I agree with the link to photos and maybe we could all work together!!!
Nikon D200
Nikon D70
Nikon N70
Nikkor 24-70 f2.8
Nikkor 50mm f1.8
Tamron 28-75 f2.8
Nikkor 18-70
Tamron 75-300
Wow that is pretty tough. I feel you did the right thing and are on track for the league collage as well. There are some dgrinners and smugmug memebers that do collages. You may try posting this in the sports section or searching for sports collage/ poster on smugmug. I am sure someone will give you some pointers.
Best of luck and hope the photos you have taken will ease your pain as well as the families.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
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That is a sad post.
I just got to work, her photos are on a external hard drive at home, I'll create a gallery when I get home and post a link here. Again, I can make a simple collage but for this simple isnt good enough.
Specs? if your interested in helping:
1) Collage needs to be 13x19 max ( this is as big as I can print at home) but can be smaller.
2) I'll note her coachs favorite photos to use , and you can decide on others.
3) Dont be afraid to be creative( I'm not creative) , you know this child about as much as I do, cept I took her photos.
4) This will be given to her parent(s) or family afterwards, I'd like it to be frameable , something they can hang on their wall ect and bring back good memories.
Thanks for being so careing and willing to help.
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
You wrote: " I don't even consider charging. Right or wrong as a buisiness I still won't chargerote: "
Because your heart commands you to do this, you are already richer.
This type of event is felt by even peripheral observers. I think you are doing the right thing and hope that this community can help you produce just the right type of momento for the event and parents.
Sam, what a beautiful quote.
check out my (sports) pics:
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Ok I have uploaded the photo's 6 in all, one is the same but a custom edit B&W with a hint of color.
1) I labled their favorite, its the 1st in the gallery, you may use the rest as you see fit.
2) Max Size 13x19, but may be smaller if needed
3) Somewhere appropriate put "In Memory Of Haley Lollar"
4) The first 5 photos are all UNEDITED, so you can edit and crop to the sizes you need, 6th photo is the same as the first but its B&W with tint of color, I "Thought" it might make a nice background photo, you decide to use it or not, its your project.
5)Link to my gallery
Lollar Gallery, Password is :
6) THANK YOU SO MUCH e-mail (fitephotography@gmailDOTcom) me if you have any questions OR my cell # is on my web site
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
Say so, now, we'd love to see a few examples. Think of it as a collage exercise!
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Have a look and let me know if one of these simple styles suits what you are after - then I can give it a shot.
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Thanks so much
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
But only if Ann doesn't mind. This is not the occasion to make this a competition. Do you have her birth date and date of death? Do you know some of her favorite things, pets, activities, etc.
This is so sad, my grandson is almost 6, I have to admit the photos brought tears to my eyes.
Birthday is Dec 12, 2000.....Death Nov 21, 2006 I spoke to her coach a few min ago, she will get the rest of the info and call me back tuesday night.
This has concerned me a bit, I'd hate for dozens of fab Dgrinners take the time and effort to make collages then I dont use it, If I have multiple collages I WILL have to post which one I chose, or maybe better yet let those that made the collages vote on the best one and I'll use it
I understand about your grandson, my photos arent that great of her shadows and bright sun are bad enough but combine the two, half of her is shadded and upper half sun,
Thanks Dee
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
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In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose
Since you'll be printing this yourself? On your own printer? What dpi or ppi would you like the file to be.
I usually print around 150-200 dpi on my inkjet, but let me know if you prefer to use more or less. If you are photo printing it, do you need 300 dpi?
P.S I updated my last post with the dates
Jen, thanks for the kind words
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
DO NOT worry one bit about this. The folks who create these, they're doing it out of goodness of heart. If you choose it, great. We'll all learn something along the way here, and the folks that make collages will be getting some great PS practice, too.
Don't spend a second worrying about the contributor's feelings being hurt.
And to ALL: Thanks for helping out! This is what our Dgrin is all about
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Andy thanks so much, and also thank the smugmug team for me and the Lollar family.
I'm not real sure what an appropriate size would be for something like this? And I guess it all depends on how fast everyone gets done with the collage, decide or vote on the one to be used, would I beable to get it by say Fri ? The cheer coachs said they had some $ left over( about $40.00) from the flowers, and I was going to get it custom framed, and that will prob take a day or two, banquet is next Monday Night. If we do print it larger, then I need a larger frame, I'll pay the additional cost.
Everyone, thanks so much. This is such a good and careing community we have here. Its overwhelming!
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
Please be sure to view the ORIGINAL size in order to see the texture and detail. It has a sort of linen/canvas texture which you can't see in this size.
I noticed you posted this at 5 AM, I hope you didnt stay up all night and if you did GO get some sleep.
Also, where can I see the original you mentioned, I searched yoursite but couldnt find the photo?
Thanks Dee your WUNNERFUL !
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
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Ok Guru Andy, how'd ya find the original ? Is it that secret decoder ring?
Does anyonne know what size would be appropriate for this, I dont want to go BIG just becouse Andy and SM offered them for free?
Also, Andy If its ordered tonight, would I get it in time ? If I know what size I'm getting I can prob go down and get a frame started before it gets here.
thanks again, this place is "THE BEST"
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
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Andy, the parents are divorced, Was planning on giving the largest to the mother, then divide the rest between the father and grandparents, would it be asking to much for an adittional 8x12 ? Total of 1 20x30 and 3 8x12's ?
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
No problem. Email me at our help desk
ATTN: Andy with the details of what you want, the shipping address, and when you need this by and I will take care of it.
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1 20x30 and 3 8x12s (Lustre Finish) are on their way to the lab right now. We're getting the whole thing expedited, and shipping them to your wife's office address as you specified. I'll have confirmation later on shipping, but don't expect a problem getting them to you in the next couple days.
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