Exif Info Not Available

Not sure this is the right forum, and I'm not sure if this is a Smugmug issue or a processing one. I have recently been forced to temporarily using an old PC with an older verion of PS (6.0, I believe) and a less enhanced version of RawShooter. The images I have been working on are not showing exif info when I upload them to my SmugMug site. I do choose "Save As" when processing...nothing else has changed. What am I doing wrong? I have checked my site and older shots still show the exif info. I tried doing a search on this, but came up with nothing. :dunno Maybe a kind mod can lead me down the path of enlightenment. :rolleyes
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1) In RSE, click on the Batch Convert tab and make sure that the Meta Data control is set to EXIF.
2) In PS, use Save As, not Save for Web.
Let us know if you are still having a problem.
I'm really stumped. Like I said, I am using an older version of PS (version 6.0). I haven't used this version since before I signed up for a smugmug account and I can't remember if it saved EXIF before or not. Is there anything stupid I could have done on my camera?????
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I never used PS 6, but I found this on Google: So it looks like you are doing everything right, but PS 6 just doesn't care. Is it really important? If so, there might be some things you could do using other utility programs, but it would be pretty complicated.