Exif for my Entry
Here is the exif for my entry (previously submitted) for challenge #78.
Date Taken:2006-11-18 18:35:49Date Digitized:2006-11-18 18:35:49Date Modified:2006-11-20 18:57:09Make:NIKON CORPORATIONModel: NIKON D200 Size: 3880x2608 Bytes: 1207258 Aperture: f/22.0 ISO: 400 Focal Length: 24mm (36mm 35mm) Exposure Time: 30s (30/1)Flash:Flash did not fire.Exposure Program:Aperture priorityExposure Bias:3728270.33333ExposureMode:0LightSource:3White Balance:manualContrast:1Saturation:2Sharpness:2SubjectDistanceRange:0SensingMethod:unknownColorSpace:unknown
Date Taken:2006-11-18 18:35:49Date Digitized:2006-11-18 18:35:49Date Modified:2006-11-20 18:57:09Make:NIKON CORPORATIONModel: NIKON D200 Size: 3880x2608 Bytes: 1207258 Aperture: f/22.0 ISO: 400 Focal Length: 24mm (36mm 35mm) Exposure Time: 30s (30/1)Flash:Flash did not fire.Exposure Program:Aperture priorityExposure Bias:3728270.33333ExposureMode:0LightSource:3White Balance:manualContrast:1Saturation:2Sharpness:2SubjectDistanceRange:0SensingMethod:unknownColorSpace:unknown
Grass Valley, California
Challenge entries as attached images...
This fantastic photo was indeed great, but take a closer look. There are so many artifacts, it looks terrible after the downsizing and butchering that has to be done to make it small enough to attach! I'd like to make it possible for no one to have to attach challenge entries... in my mind, it just ruins all the work that goes into a competitive photo. If I come up with anything, I'll make a seperate post.
You are 110% correct with regards to the attachment process.
Grass Valley, California
You can put your entry in one of your galleries, and link to there. That is how I post all my images on Dgrin...
I have a non-public gallery where I put all my stuff to post later... If you put the link in after clicking on the yellow mountain picture, it will show in the post but not as an attachment, it will link to the gallery.
It is quicker for people to load, and you can give a better image quality...
Of course, this is the preferred way. And you're right, for most of us it almost goes without saying - which is why I didn't even mention it. You are forgetting, however, not everyone on dgrin has a SmugMug account.