Waiting For Lunch
As I came home this afternoon, I was being watched. Sitting on a stone wall under our deck was this fine bird, giving me the eye.He didn't move at all as I drove in, so I went upstairs and got my camera and was pleasantly surprised that he was still there when I returned. I got a couple of pictures before he finally flew off, then I found out why he'd stayed put.
He'd been sitting about two feet from the downspout, and after he flew away a chipmunk scurried out of the downspout and off to other cover. My fine feathered friend wasn't posing, he was waiting for his lunch to be served.
(psst - can you tell me what kind of bird this is?)
He'd been sitting about two feet from the downspout, and after he flew away a chipmunk scurried out of the downspout and off to other cover. My fine feathered friend wasn't posing, he was waiting for his lunch to be served.
(psst - can you tell me what kind of bird this is?)
my words, my "pro"pictures, my "fun" pictures, my videos.
my words, my "pro"pictures, my "fun" pictures, my videos.
Gallery of mine...caution, it's under CONSTANT construction! | Photo Journal
In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose
Thanks for sharing.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
I'm pretty sure he lives in the woods in my backyard or across the street, I've seen him (or her? or others) now and again, mostly on the wing. We saw him from the road a few weeks back; we were stopped in afternoon traffic about 2/10 mi from my house and he was sitting on a phone post... and me without my camera (would have been a difficult angle anyway). It looked like he was just out watching the cars, laughing at the silly people in their shiny metal boxes.
my words, my "pro"pictures, my "fun" pictures, my videos.
My website | NANPA Member