Statue at Lowden State Park in Oregon, IL

This is commonly called the "Blackhawk Statue", but was not intended by the artist to represent any particular Native American:

From a trail below the statue:

These were from September of this year (2006) and taken with a Minolta A2.

From a trail below the statue:

These were from September of this year (2006) and taken with a Minolta A2.
Looks like a nice trailhead wonder where is leads ?
Thanks Fred.
The trail went for some distance, but I was in a bit of a hurry, so I only went a short ways down it. It was covered with thick vegetation and a lot of poison ivy, which is, for me, a deterrent. The thick canopy prevented much photographic opportunity as well.
If it looks like there is lots of detail in the shot, there is. I used a tripod with the I.S. off.
Here is a 100% crop (poor little digicam that it is):
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