custom pricing ?
I am trying to set up pricing in the custom pricing, I have one portifilo set up fine, but the other one in the but another event in the catagory won't hold the correct info. I have even tried clearing out all the info for it to default back to cost prices, but it keeps showing up incorrect. Sorry for the silly question, but I going a little silly myself.
Thanks for any help.
Thanks for any help.
Tell us the exact steps, leave nothing out. We'll help.
Oh and a gallery link pls, where the problem is.
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Ok, I have a gallery with 2 catogories, one catg. is set up correct
the other catg. only shows a few prices in the shopping cart and not the ones I have set up
I have tried gallery bulk, using the correct catg. and tried the quick imput from the correct gallery and I am hitting apply and save.
Bottom line is I have one catg. that is correct, but can't get the other one to do the same. Maybe it's getting late and my brain just shut down.
Any help for a newb would be great.
Hey there!
Thanks for the links to your galleries. I used our Bulk gallery pricing tool to apply the pricing from the gallery you noted as having the correct pricing to the one that was having problems. Please take a look at the pricing for and let us know if you are seeing the prices you are wanting.
If not just let us know.
All the best,
SmugMug Support
John, thank you for your help. I saw the changes, I believe I did the same thing and I saw the changes as well (on the above link). Problem is when I log out and look at the site like a reg. customer, in the shopping cart, the above link gallery still only shows just a few options on photos to buy, and not the ones that you have the prices set for.
Any help you could give would be appreciated.
Cliff McBride
Try proof delay!
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Wanted to get back and say thank you. I had made a two different photoshop actions and I used the wrong one for one of my galleries the photos that sized the photos too small for larger size prints. I never would have figured it out without your help. So far I love the website but I really like the help I have gotten on this forum.
Thank you
Cliff McBride
When I make a new gallery it defaults to the pricing I have entered as portfolio and which then standardizes every photo on my site which is what I desire. As present I have no need for different prices for a gallery or individual photo.
My problem is that I do not know what term this portfolio pricing is being designated. When I look adjacent to "Quick Input" I see only 2 which might be applicable; custom and smugmug. When I try and view them I cannot. When I click on save it does save, but takes me back to my gallery page. The only way I can see my portfolio prices is to click on portfolio and they appear. Of course, the "keys" to make things easier are also there (minus, plus, more than, etc.).
There are 4 items in prior pricing which I would like to delete, but see no way to do so. I'm guessing I made these items a couple of years ago when "experimenting". Although I can presently live with my present pricing, the day is coming when I want to change a few items.
Is there any way to clean out the old designations in prior pricing? I've read DGrin for hours, but see no solution published.
Thank you.
'Portfolio pricing' means pricing for ALL galleries. UNLESS, you have set a pricing for a separate gallery. This will overrule the portfolio pricing. The gallery pricing can in turn by overruled by the image pricing.
The previously priced galleries will be an option if you have ever set the prices on those galleries. If those galleries are, at this time, not set with custom pricing, it will not have an influence on your pricing in any way.
If you give me a link to your site, I'll be happy to check and make sure you have not set a gallery pricing somewhere. & smugmug
Thank you for your prompt reply.
Is there a way to reset ALL prices in my account to the default?
I've made a bit of mess figuring out how pricing works, and I would like to make a clean start with portfolio pricing first. If this is something that I need you guys to do, please go ahead.
No, we can't. Sorry about that.
Make new portfolio pricing. Then, go to your galleries and change them as needed. You can apply pricing from previously priced galleries, that will help speed things up
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Is there a way for me to clear out the pricing on an individual gallery so that portfolio pricing will apply?
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Here's my situation...I have prints in any given gallery that range in sizes from 8x10s, 5x7s and 4x6s and they are sized specifically to those sizes at set the gallery price for the 5x7s because that is what the majority of them are and only a couple 8x10s and about 8 or 10 4x6s.
Here's my question:
Is there a way to change the 4x6s (bulk) price without going to every one individually and overiding the gallery price? I have in the past just made a separate gallery for each size and just set the gallery price and be done with it, but I'd like to keep all in one gallery. Thank you.
Canon EOS 30D, EOS Rebel XT, (2) Canon 430ex ETTL Flash, Canon 70-200mm IS USM L, 28-135mm IS USM lenses, Canon ST-E2 Wireless transmitter, Stroboframe flash bracket, Off camera shoe, Canon Remote Timer
Here's an example gallery
What would it take to do this....maybe the answer would be to make "Bulk" pricing of images available within a gallery , similarly like done with bulk pricing of groups of Galleries. Being able to do this will speedup my workflow tremendously.
Canon EOS 30D, EOS Rebel XT, (2) Canon 430ex ETTL Flash, Canon 70-200mm IS USM L, 28-135mm IS USM lenses, Canon ST-E2 Wireless transmitter, Stroboframe flash bracket, Off camera shoe, Canon Remote Timer
I'm sorry - I wish I had a better answer for you.
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Not a problem Andy...just better to ask I guess. Thank you.
Canon EOS 30D, EOS Rebel XT, (2) Canon 430ex ETTL Flash, Canon 70-200mm IS USM L, 28-135mm IS USM lenses, Canon ST-E2 Wireless transmitter, Stroboframe flash bracket, Off camera shoe, Canon Remote Timer