Something Interesting

Today I went to the Coyotes game vs. the Kings. When the dancers came out on the ice a photographer came out with them obviously to take photos. Something weird that I realized, being a photographer and all is that he had a pocket wizard transmitter on his camera, I was stunned and did not understand why he had it on there. I watched him carefully and realized that flashes somewhere in the distance were firing. So I began to look up in the rafters to spot them. Soon I found them, there were actual strobes up in the rafters all around the arena that were firing everytime he took a photo, I couldn't believe it. There were about 12 or so strobes all up on the rafters. When the game continued I realized that another photographer was using them as well along with the photographer who was taking photos of the dancers and they had cut out holes where they could stick there lenses through. I learned alot about ice hockey photography today, just thought I would share it with you

I haven't done a hockey game but it's the same at basketball, I'll be sitting next to someone shooting with strobes and when I hear our shutters go at the same time (happens to be with all the big plays) I get that crazy blown out picture.
Arena Lighting .
If I was able to bring a camera with a bigger lens, I could probably just purchase a Pocketwizard transmitter go through the channels and use their strobes I'm guessing
Setup: One camera, one lens, and one roll of film.