Uploading troubles
I seem to be having uploading troubles over the past couple of days. Using the universal uploader (XP, Firefox 2.0), I regularly get Java.net Socket Exception errors and interrupted uploads. I also tried the smugmug.py linux command line uploader from my linux box (Ubuntu server 6.06) and it still didn't get all the pictures, but I'm not sure exactly at what point or why it stopped.
Here is the url for the line quality test from dslreports.com: http://www.dslreports.com/linequality/nil/2139010
I haven't had this much trouble in the past, and I've uploaded a lot of pictures over the last couple of years!!
I was uploading about 75-80 pictures.
There was one picture that I had to skip because the universal uploader would not recognize it as a jpeg file. It was exactly the same as the other pictures, same camera, same batch, same filename (DSCN7xxx.jpg), but it refused to accept it no matter how I changed the filename or re-saved the picture.
Another strange issue...when I was in picture arrange mode and sorted the pictures by filename, it sorted correctly through about 75% of them, and then started putting the pictures in random numerical order. Again, all the pictures had the DSCN7xxx.jpg filename. Sorting them by date taken worked correctly, however.
Any thoughts on these issues?
Thanks, Scott
Here is the url for the line quality test from dslreports.com: http://www.dslreports.com/linequality/nil/2139010
I haven't had this much trouble in the past, and I've uploaded a lot of pictures over the last couple of years!!
I was uploading about 75-80 pictures.
There was one picture that I had to skip because the universal uploader would not recognize it as a jpeg file. It was exactly the same as the other pictures, same camera, same batch, same filename (DSCN7xxx.jpg), but it refused to accept it no matter how I changed the filename or re-saved the picture.
Another strange issue...when I was in picture arrange mode and sorted the pictures by filename, it sorted correctly through about 75% of them, and then started putting the pictures in random numerical order. Again, all the pictures had the DSCN7xxx.jpg filename. Sorting them by date taken worked correctly, however.
Any thoughts on these issues?
Thanks, Scott
Your line quality report looks OK. But the traceroute results show some significant packet losses (up to 45%). So there seems to be some problems between your modem/router and us. If I saw the same results as your test shows, I'd be on the phone to my ISP. I have run this test quite a few times, on my systems, and have never seen packet loss percentages in double digits. Let alone 45% loss. IMO, losing 27 packets out of 60 is not acceptable.
There may also be issues on the other side of your modem/router. Issues possibly due to using a wireless router, or even line noise on un-filtered DSL lines.
Since you have just started seeing this over the past few days, have you changed anything in your set-up (security settings, perhaps)? Have you seen problems going to any other sites that may signal ISP issues? Have you changed ISPs?
If you continue to experience problems, contact us at the help desk: http://www.smugmug.com/help/emailreal
If you would like to run the same test that Scott ran, please go here. You will have to register. But it is free. They will provide you with a link (like the one Scott posted) with your results. Please include that link in your reply here, or to the help desk.
Tried the mac uploaders 1+2, tried the Universal D+D, now I have completely lost motivation trying toupload to SM.
= fed up.
One or two files here and there are no problem but whenever there is a whole bathch or gallery that needs doing I have to babysit the thing because , (now I have defaulted to the universal java D+D as being the lesser of two weevils) it will fail at some point for sure, and sure enough i have had three fails so far on this current batch , make about 10 each time then surprise loast packet or something.
did the test, here
I guess I just put up with it, there are losts of posts about uploading woes, so I guess I'm :deadhorse
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Todays report (means nothing to me)
I'm in the same situation. I promised people I'd have three new galleries up today and two more tomorrow (about 100-200 MB each gallery) but I haven't even been able to get a single gallery uploaded! And I can't just sit here to restart the upload whenever it fails.
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Here ya go:
I've asked for Wireless (our Director of Ops) to look at the dslreports results and comment.
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I would suggest that both of you share your results with your service providers.
Simon, you have some major packet losses (from the West Coast to you) and your medium bandwidth ping test (the one that most closely approximates uploading) failed.
DKwan, your Ping test wasn't even run. If it doesn't run the next time you try the test, I'd be concerned. Your results also show significant packet losses.
If your ISP's can correct or minimize these issues, your uploading would go much smoother, IMHO.
I've just reduced image file sizes from about 1.5 MB each to under 500 KB. I dunno if it's a coincidence or the smaller size helped, but the uploads seem to be going much better and aren't getting cut off (not just because they're finishing faster).
talking to my ISP [NTL] involves a lengthy wait (up to an hour), then connection to a telephony centre in India with tech help who often have incomprehensible accents and minimal knowledge limited to suggestions like 'try a restart' etc, , and then a request for referral to a native english speaker and then more waiting and referrals up the line etc.
It would perhaps help if I understood those reports myself..but I don't, nor do I have the time to study to get to understand them
I guess I'll have to phone them but it will take the best part of a day to get through to someone who can actually interpret those reports :-(
and he explained that I can do a tracert from my computer by going into the Applications>utilities>network>tracert, typing in 'upload.smugmug.com' and hitting the 'trace' button (See result below).
From the results (below) his comments were that the ntl servers are OK but the smugmug ones are where the problem lies. In fact it stopped completely at the smugmug server (see#8 below).
These are his comments I don't know enough about this process to comment myself.
Well at least I have learned that I had a tracert function right here on my Mac all along - Now why didn't you guys tell me that - I thought you were mac afficionadoes?
Traceroute has started ...
traceroute to hermes.smugmug.com (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 ( 5.617 ms 6.054 ms 6.666 ms
2 nrwh-t2cam1-a-ge94.inet.ntl.com ( 7.497 ms 6.180 ms 11.937 ms
3 pete-t2core-a-ge-wan64.inet.ntl.com ( 9.460 ms 10.309 ms 12.729 ms
4 nth-bb-a-so-210-0.inet.ntl.com ( 14.176 ms 15.063 ms 12.030 ms
5 fran-ic-1-so-700-0.inet.ntl.com ( 31.589 ms 41.038 ms 45.453 ms
6 cr02.frf02.pccwbtn.net ( 29.175 ms 34.367 ms 30.095 ms
7 pri.r1-ge0-2-eq-sj.smugmug.com ( 229.308 ms 229.387 ms 216.021 ms
8 hermes.smugmug.com ( 214.596 ms 211.674 ms 220.077 ms
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any comment on my new tracroute results above?
I have sent these off to Don and Andrew, they are the experts.
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OK thanks
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The issue is at link 6 (or actually between 6 and 7), since it shouldn't take over 200ms to cross the ocean/continent (France->San Jose). I'll forward this along to our provider who will thus talk to PCCWBTN.
I dunno if it matters but I was uploading something (not to Smugmug) while I did this.
Also, I didn't have uploading issues with Smugmug today.
I have no idea what this stuff means but here ya go!
traceroute to hera.smugmug.com (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 ( 81.268 ms 15.702 ms 17.395 ms
2 * * *
3 ( 803.957 ms 699.871 ms 668.655 ms
4 ( 657.302 ms 760.089 ms 727.212 ms
5 ( 793.331 ms 749.622 ms 819.126 ms
6 * ( 983.052 ms 658.618 ms
7 ( 720.057 ms 1210.500 ms 1309.398 ms
8 ( 1195.049 ms 793.093 ms *
9 ( 909.792 ms 919.948 ms 893.834 ms
10 ( 880.896 ms 933.510 ms 974.176 ms
Edit: Was I supposed to let it keep going? I made it stop.
An upload (to anywhere, like you're doing) on a Comcast line (and other DSL providers) will slow down everything else. Try that traceroute when nothing else is going on. If you get the same results, call and yell at Comcast.
Hop 1 is your local router (your Netgear, Linksys, or whatever brand box that you have), Hop 2 is the local neighborhood router or whatever Comcast uses (typically times out), Hop 4-8 is Comcast's network.
OK thanks - keep me posted?