Red-tailed from this summer(8)
We just got a boatload of snow today. I won't be posting anything new until the eagles are abundant I expect.
So here are a few for my namesake An adult and a couple of juvenile red-tailed that posed for me in sept/aug this year. I love these red-tailed, they are magnificent and powerful BOP. You really don't get a true feel of their power and size until you are up close and personal with one.
Canon 10d+500/4L hand-held
So here are a few for my namesake An adult and a couple of juvenile red-tailed that posed for me in sept/aug this year. I love these red-tailed, they are magnificent and powerful BOP. You really don't get a true feel of their power and size until you are up close and personal with one.
Canon 10d+500/4L hand-held
Walk softly and carry a big lens!
Walk softly and carry a big lens!
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In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose
And whats the matter with a bit of snow?
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I choose #2 as my favorite.
Thanks for sharing.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
I have gotten a new computer and monitor, calibrated the monitor. I am always sure of the accuracy of the color, but the white and black points are always difficult to pin. Feedback would be useful.
Walk softly and carry a big lens!
The needed adjustment is marginal but noticeable. A blackpoint adjustment would help to get an even beter picture especially if to going to print them large.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.