GPS data in EXIF

If I upload a picture with embebed GPS data, like latitude and longitude, in EXIF does SmugMug recognizes it and use it for map referencing ?
All the best ! ... António Correia - Facebook
Comments & smugmug
Have a nice week end.
Explain what you mean by correctly added to the exif. How is it done correctly or not correctly.
Educate us please.:D
Sometimes, it is added, and shows the correct location, but other information all of a sudden is missing. & smugmug
Thank you for asking.
Ivar thank you for answering.
I want to install this program (see photo please) and use a Garmin.
Will it work ?
I suppose this is a very difficult question. Well, for me yes, but I am a null in this computer business.
All this came up today as my sun visited me and found it and because of this thread.
If I can use this program I would have all my photos linked. & smugmug
So it was a difficult question as I supposed.:D
I thought the reason would be something like the one you explained.
Thank you.
I have only to get data from a Garmin - which I have not bought yet - and test. If it works it's OK. If it doesn't I can't buy that equipment.
Garmin Foretrex 101 Wrist-mounted GPS Navigator
It's < $90 at Amazon right now. Runs on two AAA batteries. The serial cable adds another $15. I'm not sure why they went with a serial cable, but if you need one, you can find a serial to USB adapter for $15. I have one and it works fine.
Amazon also has the Foretrex 201 (same as 101 but has internal rechargeable battery) with PC cable for $130.
mat be you would like to read it...:D