Notifications on threads

The e-mail notifications are coming to me with a great gap.
What do I mean ?
In this thread I did not receive neither Andy's 71 post nor all the others following.
Do you think it has to do with my server or is it your temporary problem ?
Thank you.
What do I mean ?
In this thread I did not receive neither Andy's 71 post nor all the others following.
Do you think it has to do with my server or is it your temporary problem ?
Thank you.
All the best ! ... António Correia - Facebook
Sometimes people post in the threads I am subscribed to, and I don't receive the notification...
For example the last from Nikolai.
From the post number 30 (excluded) on I have not beeen notified.
My problem ?
Thank you.
We'll look into it...
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Sometimes I don't receive the notifications on posts I have subscribed.
Like for example this one ...
Thank you. & smugmug
From 262 on no one arrived.
It just happened. The last one did not appear. & smugmug
Also, you do know that you only receive a new email after you have visited that thread again, logged in?
This is the last part of what the notifications emails say: & smugmug
I can't find that subject in a second but your notifications for this thread I do receive them at once.
I do remember I have set it to immediate e-mails.
Doesn't that apply to all the subscriptions ?
If so, if I am receiving your notifications why shouldn't I receive the others?
I do know and I only use one computer which is automatically logged in when it is started.
I have posted in that thread and as you can see in the photo I ask to be notified.
Thank you
For what it's worth, I haven't gotten e-mail notifications to new posts on subscribed threads for months. I think the e-mails stopped right around the time Baldy changed the "New Stuff" settings. I figured you guys just turned notifications off, thinking the new "New Stuff" features were a good substitute.
I love how "new stuff" works now, but I still wouldn't mind getting the notification e-mails if you didn't mean to disable them. & smugmug
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Why do you think I have not received this notification?
I saw it today, for myself.
Thank you.
For instance, I've been away from Dgrin since I posted that last message on the 4th and I got no notification of your post or any others.
I suppose it's possible that my ISP (Comcast) may be filtering the notifications as spam. But, that seems doubtful because I have been receiving PM notifications.
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Sometimes we look at the mail spool and just can't fathom how many bounces are in there from thread subscriptions. Usually it's spam filters from your ISP -- they tag us as a bulk mailer because of the zillions of thread subscription notifications we send out -- and a bunch of other reasons like their mail program doesn't like the way vBulletin forms the header in the email string or whatever.
Bottom line - not much we can really do. If you come to dgrin frequently, forget email notifications, subscribe to every thread you post in, and turn email notices off, and then just click You! or quick links>subscribed threads
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