options on printing
I am trying to decide how I will handle preparing prints for customers orders. I am not sure if I want to do the photoshop prep work and upload the order or let Smugmug handle the whole thing. Do many folks trust their work to be prepped by someone else, or does everybody feel the need to photoshop their own work and upload it for orders. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Cliff McBride
Cliff McBride
We really don't "handle" preparing prints. Customers have the option of choosing True or Auto color and cropping. But that's about it. So if you want your customers to get the best results, you should properly post-process your images. Either before posting them, or after an order has been placed, using "proof-delay".
Please have a look at the Auto True piece on our wiki also.
I'm happy to review a gallery, send it to our Help Desk ATTN: Andy
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