FS: Rebel XT body plate & 20D L-bracket

Price drop -- prices now include paypal and shipping to CONUS locations
$35/ea Kirk PZ-104 body plate for Rebel XT w/out grip ($55/ea if new). I have two.
$90 Kirk BL-20D L-bracket for Canon 20D w/out grip ($139.95 if new).
Ref: http://www.kirkphoto.com/lbracketsc.html#BL20D
The L-bracket is missing the strap tab/set screw. Though nice, it isn't really needed. A replacement can be ordered from Kirk for approximately $12 ($5 + S/H).
All items above have been used, but not abused.
Reason for selling: No longer have the XTs and gave the 20D to the wife.
$35/ea Kirk PZ-104 body plate for Rebel XT w/out grip ($55/ea if new). I have two.
$90 Kirk BL-20D L-bracket for Canon 20D w/out grip ($139.95 if new).
Ref: http://www.kirkphoto.com/lbracketsc.html#BL20D
The L-bracket is missing the strap tab/set screw. Though nice, it isn't really needed. A replacement can be ordered from Kirk for approximately $12 ($5 + S/H).
All items above have been used, but not abused.
Reason for selling: No longer have the XTs and gave the 20D to the wife.
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I just changed the listing to include free shipping and paypal.