“To consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like consulting the law of gravitation before going for a walk.”
― Edward Weston
'Tis very cool, Gus. Very "impressive" - looking flash, but from what I remember reading, (), these types of flashes are good for flat, even lighting say if you were shooting coin or stamp collections. For bug macro, the lighting might be a tad boring and "un-dramatic". Guess it depends what you want to shoot with it? You've really been bitten by the lighting bug this weekend, haven't you?
Thanks for the link Manfr3d! I read on other sites this was how you were supposd to do this if your on a tight budget. This page takes all the guesswork out of it though.
“To consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like consulting the law of gravitation before going for a walk.”
― Edward Weston
Thanks for posting this - I'm gonna build one! I've been using matte plastic diffusion screens with white reflectors for sunlit flowers in the field, which works pretty well, but the box looks great for indoor setups.
― Edward Weston
Here's alink to a 1 dollar light box!
Any takers for the .25 cent light box?
hey, how cool is that!
― Edward Weston
Thanks for posting this - I'm gonna build one! I've been using matte plastic diffusion screens with white reflectors for sunlit flowers in the field, which works pretty well, but the box looks great for indoor setups.
Here's another from Stobist, using the same box:
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