I just bought a Digital Spectrum 15" frame for $300 and it looks great. I did a lot of looking around and am very impressed with the image brightness and color reproduction. They also make a 17" and 19" version. I also like them because there is a mat and frame, not just a frame around the LCD screen. I have my new frame on display at the local mall as part of an advertising stand. The resolution on them is really good as well. The prices are good - the 15" is $300, the 17" is around $400, and the 19" is around $500. I got mine on amazon. They sell them on B&H as well. Each one comes in 3 different frames - Black, Silver, or Gold. http://www.dsicentral.com/
So what did the original discussers of this thread end up buying (TomaS, DocIt, docwalker)? I'm looking at one for grandparents, so it needs to be super easy to use and $150 tops! The Phillips' seem to have the best reputation right now.
I bought a cheap unit that had a good image, loaded a bunch of photos on it. The person I gave it to to display for me never turns it on... That was a bust for me.
I would like to research it more and find one that takes RSS feeds but my time has been limited.
I bought a cheap unit that had a good image, loaded a bunch of photos on it. The person I gave it to to display for me never turns it on... That was a bust for me.
D'oh, that's frustrating. My target recipients have no internet, so RSS is not an option.
Okay I know that this is an old thread but I figured I would ask here... so what is the concensus after all this? I am leaning toward the Philips (of course right after the coupon expired) but figured I would ask.
Any "I am really happy with...." or "Stay away from ...." comments? I could look at Amazon also but figured see what this group thinks.
I just noticed this thread coming back for the Holiday season . . .
I bought the Phillips 8" digital frame for my wife for Christmas. I read a bunch of the reviews and it seemed it was on of the better choices for under $200. When I bought it it was on the shelf next to the Pandigital models and looked MUCH better than those. I paid $150 at Costco.
The only thing I didn't like about it was the "easel stand" in the back (that keeps it upright) - it seems to keep it too vertical - I'd prefer a little more lean.
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
What I do not understand,
Is why no one has come up with an adaptor that has a card reader in it and a hook up for a standard PC monitor whether it be DVI or VGA and a card reader. I an no electronics person but I would not think it be that difficult. A small box with a decent video card, a card reader and a program to loop the pictures. They can make a PC that it is all in place in a monitor, why not something like that only scalled down. I am most likely way off base but just a thought.
"It is what you learn after you know it all that really counts"
Grandtec makes such a box. However it is easier to go with a Picture Frame IMHO. less programming, works out of the box.
I went with a Philips 9" unit and have been pretty happy. There have been two things that have me scratching my head.
1) Programming auto on&off. Just as soon as I think I have it figured out... it stops working
2) No place does it tell you the best resolution to use for the pictures
I picked up a Westinghouse 8" Frame (DPF-0802) at Best Buy for $120. It does 800x600 resolution which is hard to beat at that price. My only complaint about it is the contrast is set a bit too high and there's only a brightness adjustment.... It has card slots for the major types, and has 128Meg built-in memory. It will even do video of some sort (haven't read the manual yet).
Nice - but for $999+ you can buy decent 17" laptop,
show pics as slideshow or just one frame at the time
and use it as a computer too
XTi, G9, 16-35/2.8L, 100-300USM, 70-200/4L, 19-35, 580EX II, CP-E3, 500/8 ...
DSC-R1, HFL-F32X ... ; AG-DVX100B and stuff ... (I like this 10 years old signature :^)
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I would like to research it more and find one that takes RSS feeds but my time has been limited.
D'oh, that's frustrating. My target recipients have no internet, so RSS is not an option.
I just noticed this thread coming back for the Holiday season . . .
I bought the Phillips 8" digital frame for my wife for Christmas. I read a bunch of the reviews and it seemed it was on of the better choices for under $200. When I bought it it was on the shelf next to the Pandigital models and looked MUCH better than those. I paid $150 at Costco.
The only thing I didn't like about it was the "easel stand" in the back (that keeps it upright) - it seems to keep it too vertical - I'd prefer a little more lean.
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
Is why no one has come up with an adaptor that has a card reader in it and a hook up for a standard PC monitor whether it be DVI or VGA and a card reader. I an no electronics person but I would not think it be that difficult. A small box with a decent video card, a card reader and a program to loop the pictures. They can make a PC that it is all in place in a monitor, why not something like that only scalled down. I am most likely way off base but just a thought.
I went with a Philips 9" unit and have been pretty happy. There have been two things that have me scratching
1) Programming auto on&off. Just as soon as I think I have it figured out... it stops working
2) No place does it tell you the best resolution to use for the pictures
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I picked up a Westinghouse 8" Frame (DPF-0802) at Best Buy for $120. It does 800x600 resolution which is hard to beat at that price. My only complaint about it is the contrast is set a bit too high and there's only a brightness adjustment.... It has card slots for the major types, and has 128Meg built-in memory. It will even do video of some sort (haven't read the manual yet).