#79 Waiting - Dec. 1st
I drive by here most every night after work. Shot this while 'I was waiting' at stop light, through the open passenger window. I only applied 2 clicks of 'sharpen' in Elements 3. What do you think?? Lay it on me!!!

is distracting. Without the chain it's pretty good. There's something about this shot that isn't quite there.....at the moment can't put my finger on it...might need the left entirely cropped out where the green sign is. The other 2 people on the right kind of add to it but not certain....sorry for wishy wash....I'll study it and repost.
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site http://www.modelmayhem.com/686552
Ok. So I think best option would be totake another shot, maybe verticle. Just include out to right of green sign and similar on the right side. Just need to show a bit of areas outside of verticle posts. By standing up, across the street I should be high enough to cut out the chain. I should be out of obvious view from there also - anonymous - so as not to draw their attention.
It might be a more interesting group who knows???!!!
Thanks & Regards
Steve Hopkins