Sweet Sixteen White Balance Help!
i have several pictures of the sweet sixteen girl preparing her makeup in this room, with very warm light coming in through the window. i'm not sure if i like the very warm feel or the more corrected version. i haven't made any other corrections yet, this is just a mockup. please help me!
white balanced:
white balanced:
EDIT: But if I had to choose, it would be the second one.
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I think you are too saturated. Something like this?
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That, too.
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so, we're agreeing on a less saturated version of the "corrected" image?
Your 2nd pic, above, is not good. It's got blue in the white shades and on her makeup case. Look closely....
Yes, lower the saturation, for sure. If you want me to work the original I'll be happy to.
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i was meaning that white balance was the only correction i had made thus far.
if you wouldn't mind working my original, that would be great, thanks! in case it matters, i'm using aperture to work on about 17 images with this same light.
I used Photshop, curves layer, to neutralize (get proper WB). Then I used Curves again to get a better exposure.
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...have you ever thought about just WB'ing her? Leaving the room the warm colors.
This is what it looks like. The best of both worlds?... well in my humble opinion....lol.
i decided that aperture wasn't going to be enough to work on this series, so i used photoshop. here's the best i could do, what do you think?
I still think she's a snidge too saturated.
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