#79 - Stood Up

"I guess she's not showing up..."
Waiting for someone when you've made a special meal is no fun.

Would love to hear people's comments on this shot. I'm new to dgrin (and LOVE it) and new to photography so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Any advice on how to avoid strange reflections of the flames from appearing?
FYI - I've done super basic bw conversion and a tiny bit of cropping.
Waiting for someone when you've made a special meal is no fun.

Would love to hear people's comments on this shot. I'm new to dgrin (and LOVE it) and new to photography so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Any advice on how to avoid strange reflections of the flames from appearing?
FYI - I've done super basic bw conversion and a tiny bit of cropping.
He really does look dissapointed.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
I think I'd let the candles burn down a bit more also.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Great shot. I agree with a few other comments:
* pull back a bit to see more of the other dinner plate
* put some wine in his glass, and perhaps a full glass by the other place setting
* try cutting the wick on the candle to make it shorter, flame may be smaller then, I think?
* pulling/moving back, &/or zooming out, may also put less emphasis on the candle flames. If you're using a wide angle lens, this may be enlarging the flames in relation to other objects in the photo. Switch to more 'normal' lens.
Everyone's feedback has been great!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!
Here's another take:
What I did:
* Took off my lens filter - Thank you Richard!!! It worked much better!!!
* Pulled the camera back to show more of the place setting - Thank you everyone
* Added red wine in his glass (just a bit to show he's been drinking it) - Thanks Dave & shoppix
* Tried to de-emphasis the candles and burned them down some more - Thank you Kim & Dave
* Increase the DOF to better see the stuff on the table - Thanks Dave
* Had him put on a nicer shirt - is it too bright now?
* Put more lighting (candles...I don't have any lighting equipment...yet) behind and to the right of him.
* Moved some of the apples and replaced them with strawberries to better show the empty glass
* Made my husband be thankful he's not a full-time model.
I really like his expression in the first one (I agree, he looks very disappointed, James) but like what is happening on the table more in this one.
I don't know if I can do another reshoot but if I can't, which one do you like better. If I can, what do you think worked and what didn't work?
As always, any input would be greatly appreciated.
blog: www.rosaurasandoval.com
galleries: www.rosaura.smugmug.com
This is a good entry... goodluck!
Great job!!!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
This forum is great and I love everyone's input and I'm learning so much!!!!
Thank you Virginia, Kate, Kim & lr1811 - glad you like the reshoot!
Kate, yeah, I wish I could PS out the reflection but it'll have to stay.
blog: www.rosaurasandoval.com
galleries: www.rosaura.smugmug.com
Interiors, Exteriors & Landscape
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
excellent shot, and a lot of great feedback... all of which you capitalized on wonderfully.
Although, instead of taking pictures and standing him up, you should have sat down and ate with him. Then I may have a chance at winning the contest!
I really really like your train shot too!!!
Thank you for the compliment! The reshot was really fun (at least for me) - he was miserable sitting and waiting for me to finish shotting. Maybe that's why his expression works for this challenge.
blog: www.rosaurasandoval.com
galleries: www.rosaura.smugmug.com
GREAT suggestion!!!! Yeah, I know the candles were too high and distracting and I tried my best to down play them on the 2nd shot (let them burn more so they where shorter). But this idea would have worked better.
It is too late for the challenge but for the next time I try something like this, I will definately use your suggestion. Thanks for the sample pictures, that helped get your idea quickly.
Much appreciated,
blog: www.rosaurasandoval.com
galleries: www.rosaura.smugmug.com
I be he's not miserable now that the vote is over!
Yeah, he's got superstar status now.
Although he was a superstar even before this.
blog: www.rosaurasandoval.com
galleries: www.rosaura.smugmug.com