Ch #79: new ideas

So here's another take on waiting. Your comments/feedback, please!
Waiting for the bus

And yet another:
Waiting for the train
Waiting for the bus

And yet another:
Waiting for the train

First one works, although a bit ... I hate to say boring but..! With a few more people there it would be more engaging, or reinforcing the 'waiting' staement.
The picture of the 2 boys is beautiful. However I wouldn't they were waiting for a train (toy) to come by on the tracks behind them. They're to out of focus, and I wouyld not have known what they were. I actually though they were in a plant store. But, still a cute, memorable capture of them.
Steve & smugmug
I like that she's leaning (clearly not going anywhere) and the she's got her thermus on the ground (though only saw that on a 2nd read).
The two billboards with the white circles look like 2 alien dominos slowing inching their way towards the unsuspecting victim. Or I could just be crazy.
I would crop off a little off the bottom to have her be more in the lower right hand corner. But that's just me.
Nice shot!
They're all great shots... I like #1 the best! I agree about the cropping on the bottom. How perfect that she just happens to be waiting under the bus sign, too!!!
I've already cropped a bit off the top for #1, so not sure if I can crop more off the bottom. So maybe I'll enter it, but I'll see if I come up with anything else...thanks again! -Kate