Highlining and Related Madness (11 img)
So I took a trip to Moab, UT last weekend, followed by a few days in Boulder, CO. Here's what came of it. Enjoy, comment, critique, or do whatever you feel like! 
If these strike your fancy, there's a total of 41 from the trip online at http://www.gourp.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=360
Heh, I tried to limit myself to only my favorites, and then I culled those down some more. Hope it's not too much for you guys!
Rob doing the second walk. He did excellent for his second time ever trying a highline!

Dylan finishing off the walk.

Dylan heads back the other direction

We also rigged a rope jump into the "Dog Hole", named for a dog who fell in and died years ago.

Dylan climbs out of the Dog Hole after his jump. Jugging ropes is hard work!

I really like this shot, even though there's not as much action. I keep getting drawn to the blue of that jacket.

"What happens if you fall?" you ask? (Hehe... I love the floating rings)

In Boulder, me and Lisa made it out to Eldorado Canyon at the same time as the snow.

We managed to get some bouldering done anyway.

Dylan and I rigged a long line in a park to kill some time.

If these strike your fancy, there's a total of 41 from the trip online at http://www.gourp.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=360
Heh, I tried to limit myself to only my favorites, and then I culled those down some more. Hope it's not too much for you guys!
Rob doing the second walk. He did excellent for his second time ever trying a highline!

Dylan finishing off the walk.

Dylan heads back the other direction

We also rigged a rope jump into the "Dog Hole", named for a dog who fell in and died years ago.

Dylan climbs out of the Dog Hole after his jump. Jugging ropes is hard work!

I really like this shot, even though there's not as much action. I keep getting drawn to the blue of that jacket.

"What happens if you fall?" you ask? (Hehe... I love the floating rings)

In Boulder, me and Lisa made it out to Eldorado Canyon at the same time as the snow.

We managed to get some bouldering done anyway.

Dylan and I rigged a long line in a park to kill some time.

John Borland
The first one is just awesome (though maybe if you're a wiz in PP you could lighten his face a tad?) Beautiful location and I love how you get how BIG everything is from the angle you shot.
Really nice overhead angle in the second shot too.
I think the fall one is great and the fact that he's a tad soft and his feet are cut off add to the image since he was falling
The last shot is also terrific! Looks like he's so high, but totally unworried, just chilling in the clouds. (Even though he's probably 5inches off the ground.
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Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
I like the first one, but I actually also like the second one very much. Looks like you had a great time and great shots!
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
I could do this.
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Your wish is my command.
Ty stands ready for the jump.
And here he is floating off the cliff.
Ropes: dynamic, static, a mix? I'm curious
One dynamic rope doubled over and tied into two individual strands going across the Dog Hole and anchored to the same anchor we rigged the slackline on, and one dynamic rope clipped to that with two lockers. Tie in, bundle up the rest of the rope, jump, rig jumars to get off the knot, untie, rap off, then jug a static line we had at the edge of the hole.
The hard part is the anchors really. Gotta build something that will hold the forces of a highline. The rest is just building it so you know nothing can go wrong.
Great location, beautiful colour and action captured in your shots well done.
The rope jump looks pretty wild, never done one myself but it must be one huge rush:D
:giggle :giggle
Back to reality...great shots !!