HTTP Put upload troubles

Hello Smuggers,
I am getting an error message when I try to upload a file.
This is the message:
Here is my header:
Here is the response from calling images.getInfo for image </rsp></rsp></err></rsp>112136707
As you can see the two md5 sums and size are the same. So I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
I do not quite know what is wrong with my format. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I guess I should mention that I get the same error when trying to upload with RAW POST.
I am getting an error message when I try to upload a file.
This is the message:
<rsp stat="fail"><err code="4" msg="Wrong format. (ByteCount given: , received. MD5Sum given: , actual.)"><rsp><rsp stat="fail">rsp stat="fail" err code="4" msg="Wrong format. (ByteCount given: , received. MD5Sum given: , actual.)" /rsp
Here is my header:
PUT /kids.jpg HTTP/1.1 Host: content-length: 87378 Content-MD5: a234ab01efe2775e9f69477831c3d3cf X-Smug-SessionID: 0ff61184f893ed14b07e12f44a9c97d5 X-Smug-Version: 1.2.0 X-Smug-ResponseType: REST X-Smug-AlbumID: 2160061I am trying to upload another copy of this image
Here is the response from calling images.getInfo for image </rsp></rsp></err></rsp>112136707
?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"? rsp stat="ok" method smugmug.images.getInfo /method Image id="112136707" FileName="kids.jpg" Caption="" Keywords=" kids" Position="2" Date="2006-11-22 08:53:29" Format="JPG" Serial="0" Watermark="0" Size="87378" Width="640" Height="480" MD5Sum="a234ab01efe2775e9f69477831c3d3cf" LastUpdated="2006-12-04 14:22:46" OriginalURL="" LargeURL="" MediumURL="" SmallURL="" TinyURL="" ThumbURL="" AlbumURL=""> Album id="2160061" /Image /rsp
As you can see the two md5 sums and size are the same. So I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
I do not quite know what is wrong with my format. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I guess I should mention that I get the same error when trying to upload with RAW POST.
Does it work fine if you don't supply the MD5 ?
The MD5 isn't required, but recommended. Give it a go without it, so that we can determine if it's an MD5 issue or not.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I got uploading working for multipart http post. Then I tried to send a bad md5 sum to it and I got this error as expected
So the previous error message is the same except it is missing the values that are compared
So now my question is why? Why is the result I get back missing the actual data that is was checking?
The MD5 hash provided from the method smugmug.images.getInfo is the one for the original image. Since smugmug creates the S,M, L sizes, which includes stripping off EXIF data as well as some sharpening etc, the MD5 hash for the M size image is going to be complete different to the original.
Below are headers from uploading the Medium and Original images from SmugBrowser. You will see that the Original image has the MD5 hash that you were expecting, but not the Medium.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Thanks for trying to help me figure this out.
I am calculating the md5 sum for the image I am trying to upload. I was just pointing out that my sum matches smugmugs sum for the same image.
I can upload the photo using multipart http post but I would rather use http put. The code for it is smaller and easier to understand.
I am wondering why the error result I am getting back is missing the number of bytes uploaded and the md5 sum of what was uploaded.
What language are you using for your app ? Have you checked that you are actually sending the request that you are expecting using something like ethereal ?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I am writting my program in c++ using the qt framework.
Here is my upload method
Here is the header captured using Interarchy's built in packet sniffer.
PUT /kids.jpg HTTP/1.1
content-length: 87378
Content-MD5: a234ab01efe2775e9f69477831c3d3cf
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
X-Smug-SessionID: 201e57717d7a787d7340b4c0de9392e7
X-Smug-Version: 1.2.0
X-Smug-ResponseType: REST
X-Smug-AlbumID: 2160061
X-Smug-FileName: kids.jpg
X-Smug-Caption: SmugMug Rocks!!!
I wish I new what else to look for. It just looks right to me. What I can not understand is that I can get the file to upload using mulitpart http post but not with raw http post and http put.
Any suggestion on what I can try next?
PUT /112136707-O.jpg HTTP/1.1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-MD5: a234ab01efe2775e9f69477831c3d3cf
Content-Length: 87378
X-Smug-SessionID: [snip]<snip>
X-Smug-Version: 1.2.0
X-Smug-ResponseType: REST
X-Smug-AlbumID: 1988859
X-Smug-FileName: 112136707-O.jpg
and the file uploads with no issues <img src="" border="0" alt="" ></snip>
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Just a hunch, but your "Content-Length:" header isn't capped, but the HTTP spec says it should be.
Give that a whirl.
I have looked into it on my end and the framework (Trolltech Qt4) I am using does not allow me to change the way it does content-length. I will file a bug with them for now. I am not sure what else to do if that is the case. Seems a little dumb to not allow all lower case. I will try some tests to verify if it is really the case.
Perhaps try...
Instead of this...
use this...
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I did try that but was getting a weird internal socket error. But now when I do it I get a http error. I will have to investigate a little more. Thanks again for the suggestions.
header.setContentLength (_dataOut.length ());
header.setValue("Content-Length", _dataOut.length ());
And see if that works.
setContentLength is probably a simple function, and you could probably create a class that inherits from QHttpRequestHeader and write a new setContentLength if the above code works.
Been a while since I've worked with QT in C++ though.
Thanks for the suggestion. I did try that already and it did not work