Giclee prints: where to get made?

Can anyone here recommend an online source for getting giclee prints made at reasonable cost? Andy says that Smug Mug will be offering prints on fineart paper sometime this coming year but until then.......
Google is your friend. I just typed in Giclee, and got a ton of hits. While I haven’t used any of these services, I can tell you the cost seems to range from a low of $0.07 pre sq inch to a high of $0.15 per sq inch. The type of media will also have an affect on the price.
I don’t know if you consider this a reasonable or not. A typical online price for an 12X18 photographic print is about $11.00. The same size Giclee print calculated at $0.12 per sq inch works out to be $25.92.
Don’t forget, fine art papers will cost more than standard photo, or matt papers.
Giclee is a french word meaning "to spray". It's just a fancy name for inkjet, that's all. Perhaps 10 years ago or so, Iris printers were popular, advertising giclee prints. Now large format inkjet with pigment inks have sort of taken over, I think. I have noticed that some companies are still charging a premium for giclee on Iris printers. My understanding is that some of their claims are ... dated.
You can get equal or better color gamut, quality etc from a well managed desktop inkjet, either yours or an inkjet printing service. Artsy papers are available for both.
Hope this helps,
here's a printer that was well recommended on a forum, but I don't know anything about them:
I don't want the cheese, I just want to get out of the trap.
I would recomend contacting them and get an IIC profile to soft proof your image, and then send only one image to see haow thier print matches your expectations, before sending in a large order.
My favorite online lab is
These guys do a really good job with colors. And good consistent color seems to be the biggest challenge with the labs I have tried out. I've gotten about a hundred prints from them and only one had the colors off slightly. They corrected it in a timely manner.
There customer service is top notch.
I print mostly on canvas, but I have gotten a few on fine art paper as well.
This is just a way for companies to charge you more for the same quality prints.
A good question might be to ask what the prints are going to be used for. Then I'm sure someone here can give you the good info you need.
Good luck in your search!
Yup. Inkjet just sounds so everyday ordinary. But use a fancy term for it, and suddenly it sounds exotic and fancy-- kind of like the difference between Bigfoot and Sasquatch. Sasquatch just sounds so much more mysterious and exotic, eh?
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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