Waiting for God
Would appreciate any comments or suggestions regarding this photo. I am new to digital grin and I really enjoy all of your photos. There are a lot of quality captures here. Thanks!
It reads to me more like 'alone' or 'praying' though. I would have like to see more of the person's expression to help convey the message. Or maybe some alterboys setting up in prep for service.
Also, what might also help is updating the title...something like 'waiting for church service' might be better?
Just some thoughts.
blog: www.rosaurasandoval.com
galleries: www.rosaura.smugmug.com
I think you have a potentially good idea but need to think a bit more about how to set it up to really hit the viewer with the idea of "waiting."
Good luck!!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
To me, that's not "waiting" you've shown, so much as "private time with".