Bosque del Apache
It is the most amazing sight and sound when several thousand of these Snow Geese wake from a sleepover and disappear in 8 seconds! It gives new meaning to WOW! :huh :huh



My thanks to Ron and Jeff for showing me around



My thanks to Ron and Jeff for showing me around
Steve NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Thanks RS, yes it was awesome to witness, the camera was secondary to an amazing moment. Well worth braving the very cold morning.
Thanks Thusie, an experience to see, and hear......the sound starts quietly, and then turns into a frantic flapping roar, and they're gone. The long cold wait is all over in a matter of minutes.
Thank you Harry.:D
According google maps, Bosque del Apache is a 9 hour drive from my house. I think I may have to pay a visit.
I was going to ask you if you knew what it was like in the winter. However, I already found out on their website. Evidently the winter is eagle and hawk season.
Thanks and regards,
Link to my Smugmug site
"Osprey Whisperer"
Thanks Mike, I'll try to keep posting.:D
Thank you Joel, It was very cold, but worth every minute of the time. I think you are closer to Bosque than 9 hours, because we drove from Los Angeles to Gallup in one day, than an easy and slow 3 hr drive down to Bosque. It would be an easy drive for you over 40 and down 25, and I recommend that you go now, if possible, before the weather gets colder. There are three eagles and a juvenile that we saw, hawks, road runners and other critters, so enough to keep you busy. Take a look at my Smugmug site to see some of the other photos. If you need any information that I may have, send me a PM and I'll be happy to share anything that may be useful to you. Had I known you were in Kingman we could have stopped to say hello, since we had a bite to eat there going and returning. Maybe next time.
Thanks Ian, the moment was amazing.
Thank you D, it was indeed awesome.
Thanks Jeff, as you know the moment was more impressive than any photo can show, so I'm very happy we had the opportunity to witness that event. Sorry you missed the shot, but I understand, considering the early hour...the cold....and how rapidly everything unfolded. I'm supprised I even had an exposure worth posting. We went on to White Sands, Painted Dersert, Petrified Forest, Grand Canyon, and met photo challenges to which I could not match, maybe another day. We did have a wonderful time however, but I'm not so sure about our boy Casper. Hope your hand has defrosted enough to put that long lens to good use.
Your gallery from this trip is just super. Love the hawk shots. Looks like you boys had a fine time.
The drive is probably doable in 8 hours for me, however it'll be after the holidays before I get out there.
I don't mind a little cold. I got used to it shooting eagles in the winter in New York
Definitely give a holler next time you're planning on passing through Kingman.
Link to my Smugmug site
I'd be impressed to seeing all those Geese taking off.
8 seconds and it's all over, man that's fast!
You got a nice close one with that first shot in the post
Great Post......thanks for sharing........... Skippy (Australia)
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Thanks for sharing.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
Thanks Skippy, it was impressive, and a lot of fun.:D
Thank you again Dick, I appreciate your good remarks.:D
I'm sure that visitors to Bosque will increase based on these photos. Sure makes me want to visit!