Bibble to SmugMug?

Any of you Bibble users out there savy enough to write a "send to smugmug" plugin for it?
From Bibble Labs:
"The plug-in interface in a tool that allows third party developers to add functionality to Bibble by developing tools that can be used inside Bibble. If you are interested in developing a plugin, email us with "plugin SDK" in the subject line."
From Bibble Labs:
"The plug-in interface in a tool that allows third party developers to add functionality to Bibble by developing tools that can be used inside Bibble. If you are interested in developing a plugin, email us with "plugin SDK" in the subject line."
Hi Limbik,
I really don't know anything about Bibble or what language their plugins are written in.
I have sent off an email....i will wait and see.
SmugMug API Developer
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Its batch functions seem fairly straight forward, for example there is a que where you drop stuff to be batched and it does whatever you have it defined to do for each que/batch you create. If sending to smugmug could somehow be integrated as a batch option, that would be amazing.
Bump! having just got bibble and found out how great it is a plug in would be wonderful!
'Should' be faily simple too as they make everything available for plugins.
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Just like David, I don't much about Bibble, but we'll see how it is. I send the email, let's see if it's possible to conjure up an Star*Explroer add-on for Bibble:-)
I also decided to bite the bullet and see if I can add Flickr API to this.
Sometnign like Star*Explrer add-on :-)
Let me know if you need help testing.
Oh also I know Shay is a bibble user and was looking for smug plug in, think he mentioned it on the bibble forums.
My www. place is
My smugmug galleries at
Thanks, but hold your horses, I didn't get anyhting back from them yet.
And since Shay's on Linux, I kinda doubt he'll be able to benefit from any of S*E development, since S*E is Windows-only tool...
Cant you get started anyway
Oh yes thats right he is... oops
My www. place is
My smugmug galleries at
My www. place is
My smugmug galleries at
If you happen to also use IMatch, there ARE some nice scripts to integrate with your Smugmug acount (uploads, create category trees off what's been uploaded..).