Pricing Questions
I am setting up a gallery that I want to have it's own pricing. To that end, If I use the % increase option across the board, and use a percentage that gives me a decent total selling price for 4x6, the larger prints are way toooo expensive.
Is there a way to do incrimental pricing or price photos from a certain dollar amount by x and another by y, and so on? I'd like my 4x6's to be about $6.00, an 8x10 to be about $10.00, etc.
Time is of the essence and I need to work out this pricing thing so I can unlock this gallery to the public asap.
Is there a way to do incrimental pricing or price photos from a certain dollar amount by x and another by y, and so on? I'd like my 4x6's to be about $6.00, an 8x10 to be about $10.00, etc.
Time is of the essence and I need to work out this pricing thing so I can unlock this gallery to the public asap.
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OK, I get the greater-than, less-than part, but I'm still confused. Maybe someone can offer a suggestion for how to go about setting prices easily. If there's a post offering this information easily, just point me in the right direction, but please, I've been at this all day and I just want to get this done.
How do i start, Increase, % increase, decrease, % decrease, default?
Then what, great than, less than?
Then what if I need to adjust another range of items of certain costs? how do I change one range of items without throwing the other stuff?
I am willing to give someone my toll-free phone number to call me and walk me thru this quickly. If I can find my way thru this, I'll gladly come back and post the solution to what I'm trying to do. I just need this done now.
Hi, I believe what you want to do is choose a % increase for all items less than $X. And the do a % increase for all items greater than $X.
If I'm missing something please tell me.
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