May I get some CC on these cards?

I know I may be breaking the rules, but I posted these in the "Mind your own business" section and I'm not really getting any responses. Nope, not whining, it's just the case. And I'd really love some feedback on ANYTHING! You see, I plan to print these this week so I can get them back in time to get them out before Christmas.
You can see the original post here (with much more info):
What I did was create two styles: tan is more for locals and your regular Crested Butte person. The red is for the out-of-towners and more serious people. I wanted two cards with a similar feel, but with a different intent.
As for the prints, these are the two I have created for printing as 4x6 photos, but not printed yet:

The code on the back would correspond to the print so I could figure out which one generates more income - if any.
I figure for the $20 it would cost me to print these out (I'll print 'em at SmugMug on Lustre with backprinting to show off the quality), if I only get one client, it's paid for itself! I'm also going to do another one for weddings.
Should any of the photos be changed out? (If you want, you're welcome to look on my site.) Colors be changed? Anything else i should say on them?
Thanks so much! (And I hope I don't get into TOO much trouble for posting this here!:D )
You can see the original post here (with much more info):
What I did was create two styles: tan is more for locals and your regular Crested Butte person. The red is for the out-of-towners and more serious people. I wanted two cards with a similar feel, but with a different intent.
As for the prints, these are the two I have created for printing as 4x6 photos, but not printed yet:

The code on the back would correspond to the print so I could figure out which one generates more income - if any.
I figure for the $20 it would cost me to print these out (I'll print 'em at SmugMug on Lustre with backprinting to show off the quality), if I only get one client, it's paid for itself! I'm also going to do another one for weddings.
Should any of the photos be changed out? (If you want, you're welcome to look on my site.) Colors be changed? Anything else i should say on them?
Thanks so much! (And I hope I don't get into TOO much trouble for posting this here!:D )
I wonder if you tried a small drop shadow on the red one, maybe give it a bit more depth? I think the baby under the title is a perfect shot to include on the sheet, nothing grabs attention more instinctively than a baby's face staring at you. All of the shots seem well suited to your stated audience, in fact. Nice job!
Other than that, they look nice!! I might actually borrow the idea for the redesign I'm overdue for! Don't worry, I'm nowhere near your market
A non-design issue, though... think about getting your own domainname for email. It looks so much better than
Setup: One camera, one lens, and one roll of film.
I Really love what you've done here! There isn't much for me to criticize and it's a great idea to gain clientele. The red set looks more professional to me and is my favorite. You could add some drop shadows to give depth as mentioned. I also like the selection of black/white and color better than the sepia for some reason. Overall, they both work and have great examples of your work.:D Hopefully others will be able to give better CC. Thanks for posting!
With that said, I took the suggestions I got here and elsewhere and did these three:
Red/drop shadows; green; blue
Personally, I like the beige the best for the casual/fun one. I also do like the drop shadows better in the red, but wasn't sure if they ended up looking too alike. But I look at it and don't think that's really a problem.
If you want to see the larger versions, you can see 'em here: (I have all styles up there for comparison.)
In response to some of the comments:
Glad I'm not breaking the rules!
I'll definitely consider the email advice! I've actually thought about it, but have been too lazy to worry. This is also a small, not so savvy town on that stuff.... wait, not so much not savvy, but rather they don't seem to care!
As for the toning on the B&Ws, they are actually all the same!
Thanks to all! This has been SUPER helpful!
(ETA: Looking again, I think the red drop shadow needs to match the other card.... I thought I did, but obviously not!)
but if you move to Crested Butte and do it, I'll have to kick some serious butte!