Rain, rain, go away
Taken at sunset (yeah, I know what sunset) at Pacifica State Beach. My apologies for the noise (If I wanted this texture I'd never be able to get it :rofl )
This is a just for fun shot, documenting a dreary, dreary day for Ian...
This is a just for fun shot, documenting a dreary, dreary day for Ian...
All feed back is welcomed!!
:lust :lust
At first, moving out here from the NY/NJ area I missed having rain... now I'm spoiled rotten with the long dry summers. But this is taking "rainy season" to the extreme...
Usually rain means "showers" versus "real rain" like one gets back east. But I'm quite happy with the showers, rain a little, sun comes out, rainbows are sighted, then a little more rain, repeat! This last week has been awful, with only a couple of half day breaks in the rain!