Website opinions please, Thankyou
Hi ok a bit of background for you first.
I am not planning for this initial step to be the start of a full on business, more of a web presence for something Im doing already,
I am starting to get questions from friends of friends along the lines of
"oh cool pictures, can you come and do some for me? do you have a website with more info on that I can look at?"
so I designed this to fit that need.
would love your thoughts on the site design, text, prices etc anything really.
oh its
I am not planning for this initial step to be the start of a full on business, more of a web presence for something Im doing already,
I am starting to get questions from friends of friends along the lines of
"oh cool pictures, can you come and do some for me? do you have a website with more info on that I can look at?"
so I designed this to fit that need.
would love your thoughts on the site design, text, prices etc anything really.
oh its
Trapped in my bedroom taking pictures...did i say bedroom? i meant studio!
My www. place is
My smugmug galleries at
My www. place is
My smugmug galleries at
Id really appreciate it as im hoping to go live with it this week. Thanks again
My www. place is
My smugmug galleries at
I've got a few things that I noticed. This is probably what I would do, doesn't mean you need to do them:
(small item) I would change your phone number to include the international access code (+44). The net isn't for the UK only, who knows someone from overseas wants to buy your photos?
I think the extremtracking logo needs to go, looks very cheapish/geocity and it's not centered. You can get free, better statistics trackers that don't show on your pages (see 'How To' for tutorials on and google analytics)
The photofix page doesn't show anything in the main block for me
The navbar seems to take up a lot of attention on your home page. I think it's because of it's less wide than the rest of the 'blocks' and a pretty bright grey color that draw so much attention. Maybe make it a black background so it doesn't stand out that much? Or put it in a box as well.
The footer on the homepage is slightly different width from the rest of the pages.... that would make me :crazy & smugmug
Your spot on with more photos just not sure where to put them, ideally i'd like a slideshow but that isnt possible just yet, I am going to create a specific gallery in smugmug for a few of my favourite images and link directly to that I think.
Phone number very good point! will sort that.
Extreme tracking... consider it gone was a temporary measure I agree, looks rubbish.
I hadnt really noticed the navbar thing but now you point it out... It is very bold in contrast to the rest of the page! I will try a darker Grey almost black I think.
The footer... got me on that one it does need shrinking your right!
Cheers for the feedback, oh did all of the text make sense?
My www. place is
My smugmug galleries at