#80 - Retired Machinery
OK, one of these might be my first challenge entry. I took these on 12/11/06. These pics definitely show machinery but I thought that the parts were more interesting than the whole. I think that shooting too wide would lose details of the subject. Any advice or opinions?
BTW, can anyone guess what this machinery did? At one time I was going to reassemble and restore it but it is way too weathered to be functional (and dangerous)
Pic #1 - Retired Machinery

Pic #2 - Retired Machinery close-up
BTW, can anyone guess what this machinery did? At one time I was going to reassemble and restore it but it is way too weathered to be functional (and dangerous)

Pic #1 - Retired Machinery

Pic #2 - Retired Machinery close-up

Good shot.
Lenses: Nikkor 50mm f/1.8, Nikkor 17-80mm f/3.5-4, Nikkor 70-300mm f/3.5-5.6, Lensbaby 2.0
Accessories: Nikon SB-800, (2X) Old Flash Units, (4X) Poverty Wizards, GF Lightsphere, (3X) Lightstand and umbrella, Sandisk Extreme III 4.0 GB, Sandisk Ultra II 2.0 GB, Transcend 1.0 GB
Hi Grant,
I agree with your comment about being less cluttered.
Thanks for the input.
Thanks for the comment. Here is some info on what this is.
The equipment is an antique saw mill that was once driven by a canvas belt possibly powered from a tractor pulley. The drive system powered a circular saw blade and a geared log feeding ramp. The system has been disassembled for a long time. The pictures show the main transmission section with pulley wheels, canvas belt, and various adjustment devices, best guess probably built in the early 1900's.
Art Gallery
Very good comments Dizzy. I might also try a re-shoot from a different POV. You've got me thinking again. Thanks for your .02
"Photography is a medium of formidable contradictions. It is ridiculously easy and almost impossibly difficult." Edward Steichen
Hi Alkhemist,
I experimented per your suggestion and liked the results. Thanks for your C&C
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Thanks Virginia. Pic submitted :ivar