Decorated Boats at the harbor

Every year Pillar Point Harbor holds a Holiday Lighting contest for the live aboards and commercial boats. I didn't see as many boats decorated this year but I wouldn't be surprised if the high winds and freezing cold had something to do with it.
I had my cam on the tripod, but my fingers nearly froze, so back in the car for me. When I didn't see any more boats light up at the official starting time of the contest, I headed for home.
Last time I took advantage of the open gates to walk down on the docks to see the boats up close, but this year I was afraid I'd wind up in the water!
I had my cam on the tripod, but my fingers nearly froze, so back in the car for me. When I didn't see any more boats light up at the official starting time of the contest, I headed for home.
Last time I took advantage of the open gates to walk down on the docks to see the boats up close, but this year I was afraid I'd wind up in the water!