Farm Machine
Here are several shots I took last spring of my father-in-laws John Deere tractor. Obviously these are ineligible, but I could reshoot over the Christmas weekend will visiting in South Carolina. The shots below were taken in very harsh lights and I have totally blown out the sky. What do you think? Do these say machinery?

I really like the first one , as far as the sky , could have been a clear day ...?
it shows the machine , somewhat in it's element , much more depth !!
and tractors rule
If you had a little kid playing on the tractor or a kid and his pet with it, it might put #1 over the top. Or how about an old man that has been driving this rig for 50 years getting ready to climb on board one more time.
I like the angle in #1 and the fact that the subject takes up the frame, but in reshooting I would be sure to get the whole tractor. To me, the crop on the left hand side seems more like you were too close to the subject than an artistic decision for dramatic effect. Also, showing just a bit of the surroundings on the left would strenthen the sense of the setting without detracting from the tractor. The straight on angle of #2 makes a less interesting photo. I too love #3. So if you do a reshoot, take lots of shots from different angles of the gauges and other controls. If you don't get something you want to enter in the challenge you will surely get some wonderful shots for your portfolio.
Have a lovely Christmas in South Carolina!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus