Getting my kids to sit still is......
Impossible! Ain't gonna happen (I'm sure many of you can relate!). So I'm not sure what possessed me to attempt a portrait session today, but nevertheless here are the results. I'd love to hear what you think.
Setup was in my basement with white walls all the way around. External flash in wireless mode diffused and bounced off the wall, with on camera flash used for fill. I intentionally left these a little warm because we are so fair skinned and I didn't want skin tones to be completely washed out.
Thanks for looking! Comments are greatly appreciated
Setup was in my basement with white walls all the way around. External flash in wireless mode diffused and bounced off the wall, with on camera flash used for fill. I intentionally left these a little warm because we are so fair skinned and I didn't want skin tones to be completely washed out.
Thanks for looking! Comments are greatly appreciated
I really love the blurred background and sharp, sharp, sharp faces
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A wonderful series!
The first three do seem a bit overly bright on my monitor, and the first two are a little "flat" in lighting. (The first is kind of justified, because much more angle to the light, and shadows could have become a problem on each other's face.) Possibly the fill needs to be cut back a bit.
The fourth is almost perfect for lighting, with excellent depth and dimentionality.
The last is nice, but, I'd like to see a little more angle on your face, not so "straight into" the camera. (I do the same thing, so this is a reminder to myself as well.)
What I "love" about the series is the intimacy and affection. I adore the interaction and animation of you and the kids.
The first image is a true "family" portrait, with the closeness and warmth that many families would envy.
I echo the sentiment about the way the bokeh affects the lights in the background. That perfect luminous sphere is to be desired and is a very attractive addition to the background.
I hope that I have conveyed the sense that I truly enjoyed these images, and any criticism is intended to be constructive.
Good job and thanks for sharing,
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Ziggy - I really appreciate the C&C on these and I totally agree that the first 2 are bright. I was constantly tinkering with the light really working to control the shadows and wound up overdoing it a bit. Later in the session I dialed back the fill flash from -1.0 to -2.0 and that I think is where you see the difference between the shots.
The first shot was at f6.3 and we were very close to the tree. I didn't like how in focus the background was so I moved the stool further from the tree, moved the camera back and switched to my Tokina 100mm Macro f2.8 and shot all the rest at f2.8 basically just to see what would happen to the background. I really liked the bokeh that gave me and as an added surprise I even got some of the subjects in focus!
The self portrait was actually a result of my son saying "Mom can I take some pictures of you?" I said sure and set up the shot and got into position and let him press the shutter. He thought that was pretty cool. I think I have a budding little photographer in the family
Thanks again everyone for the comments!
Appreciate the comment, thanks for looking!
Thanks. I'm not sure what caused the purple tones in the eyes on #2. Could be a reflection of something or maybe a remnant of an auto red eye fix. I don't remember if the original has any red eye or not...
Thanks for the comments
Great smiles. I bet they are even bigger today after all the snow you got in Denver.
Thanks Seneca
I got one of those too!
Thanks for the comments. Keep your eyes open for a new thread "Things to do in Denver..."
I don't remember that big kid being in the back of the previous images? That tongue looks nice and healthy. You are blessed.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Thanks Ziggy. Yeah, the big one bailed out after about 5 shots, but whaddya expect when the Broncos are playing??!!