1st Sports Poster attempt -thoughts, suggestions,C&C.

Made my 1st poster attempt and looking for some feedback:
Here are three slightly different posters I ended up with - again, this is my first attempt at doing this so I am open for suggestions on changes, recommendations on pretty much anything to improve.
What kind of price should I try selling these for? - sizes I plan on making availavble are
12x18 $15 cost to print - I sell regular individual images for $30 - posters?? $55
16x24 $24 cost to print - sell prints for $40 - posters $70??
20x30 $26 cost to print - do not offer this size print - posters $85??
Question I am confused on as well - I started with a background of 4800x7200 (16x24). Do I need to start with the size of the final intended output? Should this only be printed as a 16x24? What happens if I print larger or smaller?? Any problems if I set the original as a 8x12 with the intention of printing larger?? I don't understand if it mattters about setting up the original print size.
and one last question - what "name" do you put on the bottom of your posters to help with name recognition and promoting yourself??
- (c) Michael L. Kirk
- (c) MLKImages
(c) www.MLKImages.com
B&W background image
B&W backgroun image @ ~20% and a blue overlay
Color background image faded about 55%
Here are three slightly different posters I ended up with - again, this is my first attempt at doing this so I am open for suggestions on changes, recommendations on pretty much anything to improve.
What kind of price should I try selling these for? - sizes I plan on making availavble are
12x18 $15 cost to print - I sell regular individual images for $30 - posters?? $55
16x24 $24 cost to print - sell prints for $40 - posters $70??
20x30 $26 cost to print - do not offer this size print - posters $85??
Question I am confused on as well - I started with a background of 4800x7200 (16x24). Do I need to start with the size of the final intended output? Should this only be printed as a 16x24? What happens if I print larger or smaller?? Any problems if I set the original as a 8x12 with the intention of printing larger?? I don't understand if it mattters about setting up the original print size.
and one last question - what "name" do you put on the bottom of your posters to help with name recognition and promoting yourself??
- (c) Michael L. Kirk
- (c) MLKImages
(c) www.MLKImages.com
B&W background image
B&W backgroun image @ ~20% and a blue overlay
Color background image faded about 55%
Canon 40D
Canon EF-S 17-85 IS